Author: Bouchala, Jiří
Bailová, Michaela; Bouchala, Jiří:
A new approach to solving a quasilinear boundary value problem with $p$-Laplacian using optimization.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 68
issue 4,
pp. 425-439
Vodstrčil, Petr; Bouchala, Jiří; Jarošová, Marta; Dostál, Zdeněk:
On conditioning of Schur complements of H-TFETI clusters for 2D problems governed by Laplacian.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 62
issue 6,
pp. 699-718
Lukáš, Dalibor; Bouchala, Jiří; Vodstrčil, Petr; Malý, Lukáš:
2-dimensional primal domain decomposition theory in detail.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 60
issue 3,
pp. 265-283
Zapletal, Jan; Bouchala, Jiří:
Effective semi-analytic integration for hypersingular Galerkin boundary integral equations for the Helmholtz equation in 3D.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 59
issue 5,
pp. 527-542
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