20 Group theory and generalizations
20Cxx Representation theory of groups
20C05 Group rings of finite groups and their modules (18 articles)
Abhilash, Navamanirajan; Nandakumar, Elumalai; Sharma, Rajendra Kumar; Mittal, Gaurav:
Structure of the unit group of the group algebras of non-metabelian groups of order 128.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 150
issue 1,
pp. 1-23
Mittal, Gaurav; Sharma, Rajendra Kumar:
The unit groups of semisimple group algebras of some non-metabelian groups of order $144$.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 148
issue 4,
pp. 631-646
Sharma, Rajendra K.; Mittal, Gaurav:
On the unit group of a semisimple group algebra $\mathbb {F}_qSL(2, \mathbb {Z}_5)$.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 147
issue 1,
pp. 1-10
Mittal, Gaurav; Sharma, Rajendra Kumar:
On unit group of finite semisimple group algebras of non-metabelian groups up to order 72.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 146
issue 4,
pp. 429-455
Dietzel, Carsten; Mittal, Gaurav:
Summands of finite group algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 71
issue 4,
pp. 1011-1014
Hai, Jinke:
Coleman automorphisms of finite groups with a self-centralizing normal subgroup.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 70
issue 4,
pp. 1197-1204
Udar, Dinesh; Sharma, R.K.; Srivastava, J.B.:
Restricted Boolean group rings.
Archivum Mathematicum,
vol. 53
issue 3,
pp. 155-159
Chang, Shan:
Augmentation quotients for Burnside rings of generalized dihedral groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 66
issue 4,
pp. 1165-1175
Hu, Xiaohan; Zeng, Jiwen:
Principal blocks and $p$-radical groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 66
issue 2,
pp. 431-444
Gildea, Joe:
Torsion units for some almost simple groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 66
issue 2,
pp. 561-574
Tang, Gaohua; Wei, Yangjiang; Li, Yuanlin:
Unit groups of group algebras of some small groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 64
issue 1,
pp. 149-157
Nan, Jizhu; Zhao, Huifang:
On the structure of the augmentation quotient group for some nonabelian 2-groups.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 62
issue 1,
pp. 279-292
Gildea, Joe:
The structure of the unit group of the group algebra $\mathbb {F}_{2^k}A_4$.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 61
issue 2,
pp. 531-539
Greither, Cornelius:
Galois-Cohen-Lenstra heuristics.
Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis,
vol. 8
issue 1,
pp. 33-43
Vasantha Kandasamy, W. B.:
$s$-weakly regular group rings.
Archivum Mathematicum,
vol. 29
issue 1,
pp. 39-41
Kelarev, A. V.:
On the Jacobson radical of graded rings.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 33
issue 1,
pp. 21-24
Trlifaj, Jan:
Direct finiteness of group rings - a simple proof of the Kaplansky's conjecture for finite groups.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 31
issue 3,
pp. 427-429
Skula, Ladislav:
On certain ideals of the group ring $\bold Z [G]$.
Archivum Mathematicum,
vol. 15
issue 1,
pp. 53-66