94 Information and communication, circuits
94Axx Communication, information
94A15 Information theory, general (71 articles)
Gürpınar, Emirhan:
Bounds on guessing numbers and secret sharing combining information theory methods.
vol. 60
issue 5,
pp. 553-575
Peña-Macias, Victor:
Access structures for finding characteristic-dependent linear rank inequalities.
vol. 59
issue 2,
pp. 198-208
Rauh, Johannes; Schünemann, Maik; Jost, Jürgen:
Properties of unique information.
vol. 57
issue 3,
pp. 383-403
Csirmaz, Laszlo:
One-adhesive polymatroids.
vol. 56
issue 5,
pp. 886-902
Boston, Nigel; Nan, Ting-Ting:
Violations of the Ingleton inequality and revising the four-atom conjecture.
vol. 56
issue 5,
pp. 916-933
Farkas, Lóránt; Kói, Tamás:
On capacity regions of discrete asynchronous multiple access channels.
vol. 50
issue 6,
pp. 1003-1031
Rauh, Johannes:
Optimally approximating exponential families.
vol. 49
issue 2,
pp. 199-215
Mareš, Milan:
Entropies of vague information sources.
vol. 47
issue 3,
pp. 337-355
Mareš, Milan:
Information Measures and Uncertainty of Particular Symbols.
vol. 47
issue 1,
pp. 144-163
Ay, Nihat; Knauf, Andreas:
Maximizing multi–information.
vol. 42
issue 5,
pp. 517-538
Nath, Prem; Singh, Dhiraj Kumar:
On a multiplicative type sum form functional equation and its role in information theory.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 51
issue 5,
pp. 495-516
Salicrú, Miquel:
Measures of information associated with Csiszár's divergences.
vol. 30
issue 5,
pp. 563-573
Esteban, M. D.; Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Menéndez, M. L.:
Order statistics and $(r,s)$-entropy measures.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 39
issue 5,
pp. 321-337
Kosno, Marzena; Szynal, Dominik:
On a characterization of the Shannon entropy.
vol. 27
issue 5,
pp. 421-425
Taneja, Inder Jeet; Pardo, L.; Morales, D.:
$(R,S)$-information radius of type $t$ and comparison of experiments.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 36
issue 6,
pp. 440-455
Vajda, Igor:
About optimum signalling of information.
vol. 25
issue 3,
pp. 175-199
Vaníček, Jiří:
Information aspects: A tool for redundancy control of data.
vol. 24
issue 4,
pp. 293-306
Vajda, Igor:
Alphabet-oriented and user-oriented source coding theories.
vol. 23
issue 5,
pp. 388-406
Jain, Priti; Tuteja, R. K.:
On a coding theorem connected with ‘useful’ entropy of order $\alpha$ and type $\beta$.
vol. 23
issue 5,
pp. 420-427
Sahoo, Prasanna K.:
On a generalization of Shannon's random cipher result.
vol. 22
issue 5,
pp. 385-392
Prouza, Ludvík:
Receiving binary coded spread spectrum signals.
vol. 22
issue 3,
pp. 276-286
Šujan, Štefan:
Some stationary source and joint source-channel coding theorems with a fidelity criterion.
vol. 22
issue 6,
pp. 461-470
Katětov, Miroslav:
Extended Shannon entropies. II.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 35
issue 4,
pp. 565-616
Winkelbauer, Karel:
Information channels composed of memoryless components.
vol. 21
issue 3,
pp. 169-177
Bouchon, Bernadette; Pessoa, Franquiberto:
Logarithmic information of degree $q$ linked with an extension of Fisher's information.
vol. 21
issue 5,
pp. 346-359
Šujan, Štefan:
Some functionals on sets of stationary codes.
vol. 21
issue 1,
pp. 12-21
Šujan, Štefan:
Ergodic theory, entropy, and coding problems of information theory.
vol. 19
issue 7,
pp. (1),3-66
Vajda, Igor:
Estimation of probabilistic noise models based on filtration of sample noise sequences.
vol. 19
issue 1,
pp. 15-26
Kannappan, PL.:
On a multiplace functional equation related to information measures and functions.
vol. 19
issue 2,
pp. 110-120
Dial, Gur:
On measurable solutions of a functional equation and their application to information theory.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 28
issue 2,
pp. 103-107
Šujan, Štefan:
A local structure of stationary perfectly noiseless codes between stationary non-ergodic sources. I. General considerations.
vol. 18
issue 5,
pp. 361-375
Ebanks, Bruce R.:
A characterization of separable utility functions.
vol. 17
issue 3,
pp. 244-255
Behara, M.; Nath, P.:
On additive and non-additive measures of directed divergence.
vol. 16
issue 1,
pp. (1)-12
Sallantin, Jean; Van der Pyl, Thierry:
Entropies, dimensions et représentation d'observations.
(French) [Enthropies, dimmensions and representations of observations].
vol. 15
issue 4,
pp. (299)-315
Topsøe, Flemming:
Information-theoretical optimization techniques.
vol. 15
issue 1,
pp. (8)-27
Priya, Ved:
Basic equations for source coding with side information at the decoder and encoder.
vol. 14
issue 5,
pp. (328)-338
Taneja, Inder Jeet; Gupta, H. C.:
On generalized measures of relative information and inaccuracy.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 23
issue 5,
pp. 317-333
Šujan, Štefan:
A generalized coding problem for discrete information sources.
vol. 13
issue 7,
pp. (1),3-93
Chawla, J. S.:
A note on characterizations of entropies.
vol. 13
issue 3,
pp. (194)-199
Taneja, Inder Jeet:
On axiomatic characterization of entropy of type $(\alpha,\beta)$.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 22
issue 6,
pp. 409-417
Nieminen, Juhani:
On the algebraic structure of fuzzy sets of type 2.
vol. 13
issue 4,
pp. (261)-273
Winkelbauer, Karel:
On the existence of finite generators for invertible measure-preserving transformations.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 18
issue 4,
pp. 789-812
Pátek, Bohumil:
On the identification of a subclass of finite state channels and their capacity.
vol. 13
issue 5,
pp. (354)-364
Perez, Albert:
$\varepsilon$-admissible simplifications of the dependence structure of a set of random variables.
vol. 13
issue 6,
pp. (439)-449
Sharma, Bhu Dev; Gurdial:
Multiple decoding scheme and bounds on the probability of error and erasure over a multiple channel.
vol. 12
issue 4,
pp. (213)-222
Gupta, H. C.; Sharma, Bhu Dev:
On non-additive measures of inaccuracy.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 26
issue 4,
pp. 584-595
Katětov, Miroslav:
Quasi-entropy of finite weighted metric spaces.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 17
issue 4,
pp. 797-806
Jiroušek, Radim:
Heuristic methods of construction of sequential questionnaire.
vol. 11
issue 4,
pp. (253)-270
Mittal, D. P.:
On additive and non-additive entropies.
vol. 11
issue 4,
pp. (271)-276
Mathur, Y. D.; Mitter, J.:
Some theorems on geometric measure of distortion.
vol. 11
issue 6,
pp. (398)-410
Tondl, Ladislav:
Проблема информационной синонимии.
(Russian) [The problem of an information synonymy].
vol. 11
issue 1,
pp. (39)-52
Behara, M.; Nath, P.:
Information and entropy of countable measurable partitions. I.
vol. 10
issue 6,
pp. (491)-503
Kannappan, Palaniappan; Rathie, Pushpa N.:
On a generalized directed-divergence function.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 24
issue 1,
pp. 5-14
Kannappan, PL.; Rathie, P. N.:
An axiomatic characterization of generalized directed-divergence.
vol. 9
issue 4,
pp. (330)-337
Vajda, Igor; Nedoma, Petr:
A comparison of three optimality criteria for observation channels.
vol. 9
issue 3,
pp. (174)-186
Majerník, Vladimír; Krúteľ, Jozef:
Prädiktionsentropie der slowakischen Schrift.
(German) [Prediction entrophy of written Slovak language].
vol. 8
issue 4,
pp. (277)-288
Winkelbauer, Karel:
On discrete channels decomposable into memoryless components.
vol. 8
issue 2,
pp. (114)-132
Katětov, Miroslav:
On information in categories.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 13
issue 4,
pp. 777-781
Tondl, Ladislav:
Semantic evaluation of the components of Ledley and Lusted's diagnostic model.
vol. 8
issue 6,
pp. (535)-556
Tondl, Ladislav:
К проблемам семантической информации.
(Russian) [On the problem of semantic information].
vol. 8
issue 3,
pp. (189)-212
Vajda, Igor:
A discrete theory of search. I.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 16
issue 4,
pp. 241-255
Rathie, P. N.:
Generalization of the non-additive measures of uncertainty and information and their axiomatic characterizations.
vol. 7
issue 2,
pp. (125)-132
Rathie, P. N.:
On some new measures of uncertainty, inaccuracy and information and their characterizations.
vol. 7
issue 5,
pp. (394)-403
Winkelbauer, Karel:
On the coding theorem for decomposable discrete information channels. I.
vol. 7
issue 2,
pp. (109)-124
Winkelbauer, Karel:
On the coding theorem for decomposable discrete information channels. II.
vol. 7
issue 3,
pp. (230)-255
Winkelbauer, Karel:
On the regularity condition for decomposable communication channels.
vol. 7
issue 4,
pp. (314)-327
Perez, Albert:
Information-theoretic approach to measurement reduction problems.
vol. 6
issue 2,
pp. (90)-98
Vajda, Igor:
On the amount of information contained in a sequence of independent observations.
vol. 6
issue 4,
pp. (306)-324
Winkelbauer, Karel:
On the asymptotic rate of non-ergodic information sources.
vol. 6
issue 2,
pp. (127)-148
Pinsker, M. S.:
Некоторые математические вопросы теории передачи информации.
(Russian) [Certain mathematical problems in the theory of transmission of information].
vol. 2
issue 2,
pp. (117)-147