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Title: On Beurling measure algebras (English)
Author: Stokke, Ross
Language: English
Journal: Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
ISSN: 0010-2628 (print)
ISSN: 1213-7243 (online)
Volume: 63
Issue: 2
Year: 2022
Pages: 169-187
Summary lang: English
Category: math
Summary: We show how the measure theory of regular compacted-Borel measures defined on the $\delta$-ring of compacted-Borel subsets of a weighted locally compact group $(G,\omega)$ provides a compatible framework for defining the corresponding Beurling measure algebra ${\mathcal M}(G,\omega)$, thus filling a gap in the literature. (English)
Keyword: weighted locally compact group
Keyword: group algebra
Keyword: measure algebra
Keyword: Beurling algebra
MSC: 22D15
MSC: 28C10
MSC: 43A05
MSC: 43A10
MSC: 43A20
MSC: 43A60
idZBL: Zbl 07613029
idMR: MR4506131
DOI: 10.14712/1213-7243.2022.016
Date available: 2022-11-02T09:14:53Z
Last updated: 2024-07-01
Stable URL:
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