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Title: On manifolds homotopy equivalent to the total spaces of $S^7$-bundles over $S^8$ (English)
Author: Raj, Ajay
Author: Macko, Tibor
Language: English
Journal: Archivum Mathematicum
ISSN: 0044-8753 (print)
ISSN: 1212-5059 (online)
Volume: 60
Issue: 3
Year: 2024
Pages: 125-134
Summary lang: English
Category: math
Summary: We calculate the structure sets in the sense of surgery theory of total spaces of bundles over eight-dimensional sphere with fibre a seven-dimensional sphere, in which manifolds homotopy equivalent to the total spaces are organized, and we investigate the question, which of the elements in these structure sets can be realized as such bundles. (English)
Keyword: vector bundle
Keyword: sphere bundle over sphere
Keyword: microbundle
Keyword: homotopy equivalence
Keyword: homeomorphism
Keyword: surgery
Keyword: characteristic class
MSC: 19J25
MSC: 55R25
MSC: 55R40
MSC: 57N55
DOI: 10.5817/AM2024-3-125
Date available: 2024-08-02T08:30:37Z
Last updated: 2024-08-02
Stable URL:
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