94 Information and communication, circuits
94Axx Communication, information
94A05 Communication theory (28 articles)
Gürpınar, Emirhan:
Bounds on guessing numbers and secret sharing combining information theory methods.
vol. 60
issue 5,
pp. 553-575
Liang, Hongtao; Wang, Zhen; Yue, Zongmin; Lu, Ronghui:
Generalized synchronization and control for incommensurate fractional unified chaotic system and applications in secure communication.
vol. 48
issue 2,
pp. 190-205
Boche, Holger:
Vergleich der unterschiedlichen Gütemaße zur Bewertung von Auto- und Kreuzkorrelationsfunktionen.
(German) [Comparison of different quality criteria for the evaluation of auto- and crosscorrelation functions].
Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis,
vol. 9
issue 1,
pp. 15-31
Böckenhauer, Hans-Joachim:
Two open problems in communication in edge-disjoint paths modes.
Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis,
vol. 7
issue 1,
pp. 109-117
Pountourakis, Ioannis E.:
Performance of multichannel multiaccess protocols with receiver collisions.
vol. 33
issue 5,
pp. 547-555
Argenti, F.; De Angeli, A.; Del Re, E.; Genesio, R.; Pagni, P.; Tesi, A.:
Secure communications based on discrete time chaotic systems.
vol. 33
issue 1,
pp. 41-50
Vajda, Igor:
Alphabet-oriented and user-oriented source coding theories.
vol. 23
issue 5,
pp. 388-406
Studený, Milan:
Asymptotic behaviour of empirical multiinformation.
vol. 23
issue 2,
pp. 124-135
Vajda, Igor:
Estimation of probabilistic noise models based on filtration of sample noise sequences.
vol. 19
issue 1,
pp. 15-26
Sharma, Bhu Dev; Priya, Ved:
On broadcast channels with side information under fidelity criteria.
vol. 19
issue 1,
pp. 27-41
Klega, Vladimír:
On spectral bandwidth of a stationary random process.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 28
issue 4,
pp. 262-268
Gabriel, Richard:
Verschlüsselungsabbildungen mit Pseudo-Inversen, Zufallsgeneratoren und Täfelungen.
(German) [Cryptographic mappings with pseudo-inverses, random-number generators and tessellations].
vol. 18
issue 6,
pp. 485-504
Prouza, Ludvík:
Appendix to the article “On a detection method for known finite sequences”.
vol. 15
issue 6,
pp. (464)-467
Kovanic, Pavel:
Classification of linear estimators.
vol. 15
issue 3,
pp. (193)-203
Prouza, Ludvík:
On recursive filters inverse to finite sequences in the minimum mean square sense.
vol. 15
issue 1,
pp. (40)-50
Kovanic, Pavel:
On the pseudoinverse of a sum of symmetric matrices with applications to estimation.
vol. 15
issue 5,
pp. (341)-348
Prouza, Ludvík:
On a detection method for known finite sequences.
vol. 14
issue 6,
pp. (421)-428
Vrana, Ivan; El-Hefnawi, Mohamed Mahmoud:
On the evaluation of properties of the sequential probability ratio test for statistically dependent observations.
vol. 14
issue 3,
pp. (189)-205
Guttenbergerová, Kamila:
Optimal discrete signal representation by the system of discrete orthonormal exponentials in conjugate pairs of exponents.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 20
issue 1,
pp. 39-47
Perez, Albert:
Data compression in discriminating stochastic processes.
vol. 10
issue 3,
pp. (187)-198
Vrana, Ivan:
On the optimum decision rule for the radar signal processing.
vol. 10
issue 3,
pp. (258)-271
Vrana, Ivan:
On two special cases of the optimum decision rule for the radar signal processing.
vol. 10
issue 5,
pp. (434)-445
Cohlar, Ju.; Krasovskiĭ, G.:
К вопросу об оптимальной фильтрации и экстраполяции радиолокационного сигнала с неполными данными.
(Russian) [On the question of optimal filtering and extrapolation of a radio location signal with incomplete data].
vol. 10
issue 2,
pp. (133)-145
Winkelbauer, Karel:
On discrete channels decomposable into memoryless components.
vol. 8
issue 2,
pp. (114)-132
Winkelbauer, Karel:
On the regularity condition for decomposable communication channels.
vol. 7
issue 4,
pp. (314)-327
Černý, Ján:
Note on Stochastic Transformers.
Matematický časopis,
vol. 20
issue 2,
pp. 101-108
Vodáková, Alena; Vodák, František:
Příspěvek k problému validizace.
(Czech) [The contribution to the problem of the validation].
vol. 5
issue 3,
pp. (212)-222
Majerník, Vladimír; Perez, Albert; Vajda, Igor:
Information transfer in sensory channels with an application in auditory sensorial communication.
vol. 3
issue 2,
pp. (157)-174