O jednom typu integrálu, u něhož se projevuje tzv. „Gibbsův zjev‟
O jednom typu integrálu, u něhož se projevuje tzv. „Gibbsův zjev‟
O jednom vzorci z operátorového počtu
O konvergenci iteračních metod řešení soustavy nelineárních rovnic
O konvergenci metody sítí při řešení Dirichletova problému a problému vedení tepla
O možnosti riešenia sústavy rovníc nomogramami s orientovaným transparentom
O možnosti úpravy sústavy dvoch rovníc o siedmich premenných na tvar $A_{6,7}=A_{1,2}+A_{3,4}+A_{3,5}$, $B_{6,7}=B_{1,2}$, ktorý môžeme zostrojiť pomocou nomogramov s priesvitkou o dvoch stupňoch voľnosti
O možnosti úpravy sústavy dvoch rovníc s ôsmimi neznámými na tvar $A_{7,8}=A_{1,2}+A_{3,4}+A_{5,6}$, $B_{7,8}=B_{1,2}+B_{3}+B_{5}$, ktorý môžeme zostrojiť pomocou nomogramov s priesvitkou o dvoch stupňoch voľnosti
On $0-1$ measure for projectors
On $0-1$ measure for projectors. II
On a 1-D model of stress relaxation in an annealed glass
On a boundary value problem in nonlinear theory of thin elastic plates
On a Caginalp phase-field system with a logarithmic nonlinearity
On a certain two-sided symmetric condition in magnetic field analysis and computations
On a characterization of orthogonality with respect to particular sequences of random variables in $L^2$
On a classification of stationary points in nonlinear programming
On a class of queue disciplines
On a conjugate semi-variational method for parabolic equations
On a conserved Penrose-Fife type system
On a construction of fast direct solvers
On a contact problem for a viscoelastic von Kármán plate and its semidiscretization
On adaptive BDDC for the flow in heterogeneous porous media
On a deformed version of the two-disk dynamo system
On a differential-algebraic problem
On a discrete modified $M/GI/c/\infty$ queue
On a functional equation
On a generalization of Nikolskij's extension theorem in the case of two variables
On a generalization of the orthogonal regression
On a general structure of the bivariate FGM type distributions
On a high-order iterative scheme for a nonlinear Love equation