49 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization
49Jxx Existence theories
49J52 Nonsmooth analysis (44 articles)
Khatri, Julie; Prasad, Ashish Kumar:
Exact l$_1$ penalty function for nonsmooth multiobjective interval-valued problems.
vol. 60
issue 5,
pp. 652-681
Kopfová, Jana; Recupero, Vincenzo:
Continuity of the non-convex play operator in the space of rectifiable curves.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 68
issue 6,
pp. 727-750
Sofonea, Mircea; Tarzia, Domingo A.:
Tykhonov well-posedness of a heat transfer problem with unilateral constraints.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 67
issue 2,
pp. 167-197
Pastor, Karel:
Derivatives of Hadamard type in scalar constrained optimization.
vol. 53
issue 4,
pp. 717-729
Dvorská, Marie; Pastor, Karel:
Necessary conditions for vector optimization in infinite dimension.
vol. 51
issue 6,
pp. 1023-1034
Mordukhovich, Boris S.; Outrata, Jiří V.:
Tilt stability in nonlinear programming under Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification.
vol. 49
issue 3,
pp. 446-464
Dvorská, Marie:
Vector Optimization Results for $\ell $-Stable Data.
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica,
vol. 52
issue 2,
pp. 43-52
Zajíček, Luděk:
Singular points of order $k$ of Clarke regular and arbitrary functions.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 53
issue 1,
pp. 51-63
Ginchev, Ivan; Guerraggio, Angelo; Rocca, Matteo:
Locally Lipschitz vector optimization with inequality and equality constraints.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 55
issue 1,
pp. 77-88
Bütikofer, Stephan; Klatte, Diethard; Kummer, Bernd:
On second–order Taylor expansion of critical values.
vol. 46
issue 3,
pp. 472-487
Bao, Truong Q.; Mordukhovich, Boris S.:
Existence of minimizers and necessary conditions in set-valued optimization with equilibrium constraints.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 52
issue 6,
pp. 453-472
Zajíček, Luděk:
On sets of non-differentiability of Lipschitz and convex functions.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 132
issue 1,
pp. 75-85
Bednařík, Dušan; Pastor, Karel:
Second-order sufficient condition for $\tilde\ell$-stable functions.
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica,
vol. 46
issue 1,
pp. 7-18
Ginchev, Ivan; Guerraggio, Angelo; Rocca, Matteo:
From scalar to vector optimization.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 51
issue 1,
pp. 5-36
Leśniewski, Andrzej; Rzeżuchowski, Tadeusz:
Semipermeable surfaces for non-smooth differential inclusions.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 131
issue 3,
pp. 261-278
Maaden, Abdelhakim; Stouti, Abdelkader:
Some properties on the closed subsets in Banach spaces.
Archivum Mathematicum,
vol. 42
issue 2,
pp. 167-174
Antczak, Tadeusz; Kisiel, Krzysztof:
Strict minimizers of order $m$ in nonsmooth optimization problems.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 47
issue 2,
pp. 213-232
Gao, Yan; Li, Xuewen:
Nonsmooth equations approach to a constrained minimax problem.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 50
issue 2,
pp. 115-130
Ferrer, Jesús:
A polynomial of degree four not satisfying Rolle’s Theorem in the unit ball of $l_2$.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 55
issue 2,
pp. 499-501
Marano, Salvatore A.; Motreanu, Dumitru:
A critical point result for non-differentiable indefinite functionals.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 45
issue 4,
pp. 663-679
Papageorgiou, Evgenia H.; Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S.:
Existence of solutions and of multiple solutions for nonlinear nonsmooth periodic systems.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 54
issue 2,
pp. 347-371
Outrata, Jiří V.:
A note on a class of equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints.
vol. 40
issue 5,
pp. [585]-594
Pavlica, David:
On the points of non-differentiability of convex functions.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 45
issue 4,
pp. 727-734
Liu, Liping; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Křížek, Michal:
Second-order optimality conditions for nondominated solutions of multiobjective programming with $C^{1,1}$ data.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 45
issue 5,
pp. 381-397
Outrata, Jiří V.:
Optimality conditions for a class of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints: strongly regular case.
vol. 35
issue 2,
pp. [177]-193
Matoušková, Eva; Zajíček, Luděk:
Second order differentiability and Lipschitz smooth points of convex functionals.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 48
issue 4,
pp. 617-640
Goeleven, Daniel:
Noncoercive hemivariational inequality and its applications in nonconvex unilateral mechanics.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 41
issue 3,
pp. 203-229
Piccione, Paolo; Sampalmieri, Rosella:
Attouch-Wets convergence and Kuratowski convergence on compact sets.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 36
issue 3,
pp. 551-562
Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S.:
Parametrized relaxation for evolution inclusions of the subdifferential type.
Archivum Mathematicum,
vol. 31
issue 1,
pp. 9-28
Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S.:
On the solution set of nonconvex subdifferential evolution inclusions.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 44
issue 3,
pp. 481-500
Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S.:
Support prices for weakly maximal programs of a growth model with uncertainty.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 35
issue 3,
pp. 581-595
Veselý, Libor:
The distance between subdifferentials in the terms of functions.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 34
issue 3,
pp. 419-424
Zajíček, L.:
A note on singular points of convex functions in Banach spaces.
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica,
vol. 34
issue 2,
pp. 179-185
Kolomý, J.:
On subdifferentials of convex functions.
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica,
vol. 34
issue 2,
pp. 67-70
Liu, W. B.; Rubio, J. E.:
A unified optimality condition for eigenvalue problems.
vol. 29
issue 3,
pp. 249-255
Kolomý, Josef:
A note on Banach spaces and sub differentials of convex functions.
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica,
vol. 33
issue 2,
pp. 73-83
Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S.:
Properties of the solution of evolution inclusions driven by time dependent subdifferentials.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 33
issue 2,
pp. 197-204
Milota, Jaroslav; Nečas, Jindřich; Šverák, Vladimír:
On weak solutions to a viscoelasticity model.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 31
issue 3,
pp. 557-565
Roubíček, Tomáš:
Evaluation of Clarke's generalized gradient in optimization of variational inequalities.
vol. 25
issue 3,
pp. 157-168
Outrata, Jiří V.:
On necessary optimality conditions in a class of optimization problems.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 34
issue 6,
pp. 466-474
Chien, Tran Quoc:
Perturbation theory of duality in vector nonconvex optimization via the abstract duality scheme.
vol. 25
issue 3,
pp. 169-174
Fabian, M.:
Sub differentiability and trustworthiness in the light of a new variational principle of Borwein and Preiss.
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica,
vol. 30
issue 2,
pp. 51-56
Pelant, Jan; Poljak, Svatopluk; Turzík, Daniel:
Limit behaviour of trajectories involving subgradients of convex functions.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 28
issue 3,
pp. 457-466
Le Van Hot:
On the open mapping principle and convex multivalued mappings.
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica,
vol. 26
issue 1,
pp. 53-59