691-693 | Marking the 60th Anniversary of Kybernetika. Kučera, Vladimír |
694-722 | Conditional distributivity of overlap functions over uninorms with continuous underlying operators. Liu, Hui; Li, Wenle |
723-739 | Characterization of the order induced by uninorm with the underlying drastic product or drastic sum. Liu, Zhi-qiang |
740-753 | Additive generators of discrete semi-uninorms. Wang, Ya-Ming; Zhan, Hang; Zhao, Yuan-Yuan |
754-778 | Equilibrium analysis of distributed aggregative game with misinformation. Yuan, Meng; Cheng, Zhaoyang; Ma, Te |
779-796 | Method for quantitative risk assessment of cyber-physical systems based on vulnerability analysis. Alguliyev, Rasim; Aliguliyev, Ramiz; Sukhostat, Lyudmila |
797-818 | Inverse optimal dynamic boundary control for uncertain Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation. Cai, Xiushan; Lin, Yuhang; Lin, Cong; Liu, Leipo |
819-833 | DDIMCache: An enhanced text-to-image diffusion model on mobile devices. Qifeng, Wu |