A characterization of symplectic groups related to Fermat primes
Chromatic number of the product of graphs, graph homomorphisms, antichains and cofinal subsets of posets without AC
Classification of quasigroups according to directions of translations II
Coarse homotopy on metric spaces and their corona
Conformal Killing graphs in foliated Riemannian spaces with density: rigidity and stability
Decomposition of Cartesian product of complete graphs into paths and stars with four edges
The (dis)connectedness of products of Hausdorff spaces in the box topology
Edge-sum distinguishing labeling
Extreme points of the Besicovitch--Orlicz space of almost periodic functions equipped with the Luxemburg norm
Further generalized versions of Ilmanen's lemma on insertion of $C^{1,\omega}$ or $C^{1,\omega}_{\text{\rm loc}}$ functions
Generalized regression estimation for continuous time processes with values in functional spaces
The Golomb space is topologically rigid
Harmonic deformability of planar curves
Limited $p$-converging operators and relation with some geometric properties of Banach spaces
Non-normality points and nice spaces
A note on the height of the third Stiefel--Whitney class of the canonical vector bundles over some Grassmann manifolds
Notes on generalizations of Bézout rings
On a class of variational problems with linear growth and radial symmetry
On atomic ideals in some factor rings of $C(X,\Bbb Z)$
On hereditary normality of $\omega ^*$, Kunen points and character $\omega_{1}$
On some imaginary triquadratic number fields $k$ with ${\rm Cl}_2(k) \simeq (2, 4)$ or $(2, 2, 2)$
On the continuity of the elements of the Ellis semigroup and other properties
On the distribution of the roots of polynomial $z^k-z^{k-1}-\dots - z-1$
On the hyperspace $C_n(X)/{C_n}_K(X)$
Remarks on WDC sets
Rings whose nonsingular right modules are $R$-projective
Seeking a network characterization of Corson compacta
Some interpretations of the $(k,p)$-Fibonacci numbers
Some results on the class of $\sigma$-unbounded Dunford-Pettis operators
Structural aspects of truncated archimedean vector lattices: good sequences, simple elements