94 Information and communication, circuits
94Axx Communication, information
94A17 Measures of information, entropy (107 articles)
Gürpınar, Emirhan:
Bounds on guessing numbers and secret sharing combining information theory methods.
vol. 60
issue 5,
pp. 553-575
Sharma, Akash; Kundu, Chanchal:
On stochastic properties of past varentropy with applications.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 69
issue 3,
pp. 373-394
Corander, Jukka; Remes, Ulpu; Koski, Timo:
On the Jensen-Shannon divergence and the variation distance for categorical probability distributions.
vol. 57
issue 6,
pp. 879-907
Rauh, Johannes; Schünemann, Maik; Jost, Jürgen:
Properties of unique information.
vol. 57
issue 3,
pp. 383-403
Harremoës, Peter; Matúš, František:
Bounds on the information divergence for hypergeometric distributions.
vol. 56
issue 6,
pp. 1111-1132
Merkh, Thomas; Montúfar, Guido:
Factorized mutual information maximization.
vol. 56
issue 5,
pp. 948-978
Rauh, Johannes; Matúš, František:
Maximizing the Bregman divergence from a Bregman family.
vol. 56
issue 5,
pp. 875-885
Austin, Tim:
Multi-variate correlation and mixtures of product measures.
vol. 56
issue 3,
pp. 459-499
Radojičić, Una; Nordhausen, Klaus; Oja, Hannu:
Notion of information and independent component analysis.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 65
issue 3,
pp. 311-330
Matveev, Rostislav; Portegies, Jacobus W.:
Tropical probability theory and an application to the entropic cone.
vol. 56
issue 6,
pp. 1133-1153
Ghosh, Amit; Kundu, Chanchal:
On generalized conditional cumulative past inaccuracy measure.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 63
issue 2,
pp. 167-193
Matúš, František:
On limiting towards the boundaries of exponential families.
vol. 51
issue 5,
pp. 725-738
Kramosil, Ivan; Daniel, Milan:
Several results on set-valued possibilistic distributions.
vol. 51
issue 3,
pp. 391-407
Adamčík, Martin; Wilmers, George:
The irrelevant information principle for collective probabilistic reasoning.
vol. 50
issue 2,
pp. 175-188
Verma, Rajkumar; Sharma, Bhu Dev:
Exponential entropy on intuitionistic fuzzy sets.
vol. 49
issue 1,
pp. 114-127
Mareš, Milan; Mesiar, Radko:
Information in vague data sources.
vol. 49
issue 3,
pp. 433-445
Rauh, Johannes:
Optimally approximating exponential families.
vol. 49
issue 2,
pp. 199-215
Bína, Vladislav; Jiroušek, Radim:
A short note on multivariate dependence modeling.
vol. 49
issue 3,
pp. 420-432
Krüger, Tyll; Montúfar, Guido; Seiler, Ruedi; Siegmund-Schultze, Rainer:
Universally typical sets for ergodic sources of multidimensional data.
vol. 49
issue 6,
pp. 868-882
Csiszár, Imre; Matúš, František:
Generalized minimizers of convex integral functionals, Bregman distance, Pythagorean identities.
vol. 48
issue 4,
pp. 637-689
Stummer, Wolfgang; Lao, Wei:
Limits of Bayesian decision related quantities of binomial asset price models.
vol. 48
issue 4,
pp. 750-767
Ay, Nihat; Wenzel, Walter:
On solution sets of information inequalities.
vol. 48
issue 5,
pp. 845-864
Mareš, Milan:
Entropies of vague information sources.
vol. 47
issue 3,
pp. 337-355
Mareš, Milan:
Information Measure for Vague Symbols.
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica,
vol. 50
issue 2,
pp. 89-94
Kreitmeier, Wolfgang:
Optimal quantization for the one–dimensional uniform distribution with Rényi-$\alpha$-entropy constraints.
vol. 46
issue 1,
pp. 96-113
Harremoës, Peter:
Joint Range of Rényi entropies.
vol. 45
issue 6,
pp. 901-911
Vajda, Igor:
On metric divergences of probability measures.
vol. 45
issue 6,
pp. 885-900
Bieniek, Milena; Szynal, Dominik:
On entropies for random partitions of the unit segment.
vol. 44
issue 1,
pp. 75-94
Šindelář, Jan; Vajda, Igor; Kárný, Miroslav:
Stochastic control optimal in the Kullback sense.
vol. 44
issue 1,
pp. 53-60
Vajda, Igor; Zvárová, Jana:
On generalized entropies, Bayesian decisions and statistical diversity.
vol. 43
issue 5,
pp. 675-696
Matúš, František:
Optimality conditions for maximizers of the information divergence from an exponential family.
vol. 43
issue 5,
pp. 731-746
Cerone, Pietro; Dragomir, Sever S.; Österreicher, Ferdinand:
Bound on extended $f$-divergences for a variety of classes.
vol. 40
issue 6,
pp. [745]-756
Dragomir, S. S.:
Bounds for $f$-divergences under likelihood ratio constraints.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 48
issue 3,
pp. 205-223
Riečan, Beloslav:
On the $g$-entropy and its Hudetz correction.
vol. 38
issue 4,
pp. [493]-500
Kolesárová, Anna; Vivona, Doretta:
Entropy of $T$-sums and $T$-products of $L$-$R$ fuzzy numbers.
vol. 37
issue 2,
pp. [127]-145
Srivastava, Pramila; Khare, Mona:
Conditional entropy and Rokhlin metric.
Mathematica Slovaca,
vol. 49
issue 4,
pp. 433-441
Vejnarová, Jiřina:
A note on the interval-valued marginal problem and its maximum entropy solution.
vol. 34
issue 1,
pp. [17]-26
Esteban, M. D.:
A general class of entropy statistics.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 42
issue 3,
pp. 161-169
Menéndez, M. L.; Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Salicrú, M.:
$(h,\Phi)$-entropy differential metric.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 42
issue 2,
pp. 81-98
Österreicher, Ferdinand:
On a class of perimeter-type distances of probability distributions.
vol. 32
issue 4,
pp. 389-393
Otáhal, Antonín:
Minimum entropy of error estimate for multi-dimensional parameter and finite-state-space observations.
vol. 31
issue 4,
pp. 331-335
Esteban, María Dolores; Morales, Domingo:
A summary on entropy statistics.
vol. 31
issue 4,
pp. 337-346
Pardo, Julio A.; Vicente, M. L.:
Asymptotic distribution of the useful informational energy.
vol. 30
issue 1,
pp. 87-99
Pardo, L.; Morales, D.; Ferentinos, K.; Zografos, K.:
Discretization problems on generalized entropies and $R$-divergences.
vol. 30
issue 4,
pp. 445-460
Salicrú, Miquel:
Measures of information associated with Csiszár's divergences.
vol. 30
issue 5,
pp. 563-573
Markechová, Dagmar:
Entropy of complete fuzzy partitions.
Mathematica Slovaca,
vol. 43
issue 1,
pp. 1-10
Katětov, Miroslav:
Entropy-like functionals: conceptual background and some results.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 33
issue 4,
pp. 645-660
Ramer, Arthur:
Fuzzy information and combinatorial inequalities.
vol. 28
issue 7,
pp. 4-11
Menéndez, Maria L.; Pardo, Leandro; Taneja, Inder J.:
On $M$-dimensional unified $(r,s)$-Jensen difference divergence measures and their applications.
vol. 28
issue 4,
pp. 309-324
Katětov, Miroslav:
On entropy-like functionals and codes for metrized probability spaces II.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 33
issue 1,
pp. 79-95
Kosno, Marzena; Szynal, Dominik:
On a characterization of the Shannon entropy.
vol. 27
issue 5,
pp. 421-425
Taneja, Inder Jeet; Pardo, L.; Morales, D.:
$(R,S)$-information radius of type $t$ and comparison of experiments.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 36
issue 6,
pp. 440-455
Katětov, Miroslav:
On entropy-like functionals and codes for metrized probability spaces. I.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 31
issue 1,
pp. 49-66
Tuteja, R. K.; Singhal, L. C.; Kumar, Ashok:
Characterization of $\alpha$-entropy with preference.
vol. 24
issue 1,
pp. 54-60
Sahoo, Prasanna K.; Wong, A. K. C.:
Generalized Jensen difference based on entropy functions.
vol. 24
issue 4,
pp. 241-250
Rakheja, T. D.; Gulati, K. K.:
On symmetry and reversible symmetry concerning generalized directed divergence.
vol. 24
issue 1,
pp. 47-53
Katětov, Miroslav:
On the differential and residual entropy.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 29
issue 2,
pp. 319-349
Štěpán, Jaromír:
Robust quasi-linear system identification.
vol. 24
issue 4,
pp. 259-277
Chawla, J. S.:
Isomorphism of measure preserving transformations.
vol. 23
issue 3,
pp. 239-244
Gil, Maria Angeles; Perez, Rigoberto; Gil, Pedro:
The mutual information. Estimation in the sampling without replacement.
vol. 23
issue 5,
pp. 407-419
Jain, Priti; Tuteja, R. K.:
On a coding theorem connected with ‘useful’ entropy of order $\alpha$ and type $\beta$.
vol. 23
issue 5,
pp. 420-427
Parkash, Om; Singh, R. S.:
On characterization of useful information-theoretic measures.
vol. 23
issue 3,
pp. 245-251
Katětov, Miroslav:
On dimensions of semimetrized measure spaces.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 28
issue 3,
pp. 399-411
Guiaşu, Silviu; Shenitzer, Abe:
Princip maxima entropie.
(Czech) [The principle of maximum entropy].
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie,
vol. 31
issue 4,
pp. 214-224
Pessoa, Franquiberto:
Characterization of a density by minimizing the logarithmic information of degree $q$.
vol. 22
issue 5,
pp. 403-408
Taneja, H. C.; Tuteja, R. K.:
Characterization of a quantitative-qualitative measure of inaccuracy.
vol. 22
issue 5,
pp. 393-402
Kannappan, PL.; Sahoo, P. K.:
On a functional equation connected to sum form nonadditive information measures on an open domain. I.
vol. 22
issue 3,
pp. 268-275
Sahoo, Prasanna K.:
On a generalization of Shannon's random cipher result.
vol. 22
issue 5,
pp. 385-392
Katětov, Miroslav:
On extended Shannon entropies and the epsilon entropy.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 27
issue 3,
pp. 519-534
Katětov, Miroslav:
On the Rényi dimension.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 27
issue 4,
pp. 741-753
Taneja, Inder Jeet; Guerra, Fernando:
An algorithm for calculating the channel capacity of degree $\beta$.
vol. 21
issue 2,
pp. 123-133
Katětov, Miroslav:
Extended Shannon entropies. II.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 35
issue 4,
pp. 565-616
Sharma, Bhu Dev; Singh, R. P.:
A generalization of entropy equation: homogeneous entropies.
vol. 21
issue 2,
pp. 157-163
Taneja, H. C.:
On measures of relative ‘useful’ information.
vol. 21
issue 2,
pp. 148-156
Taneja, Harish C.:
On the mean and the variance of estimates of Kullback information and relative “useful” information measures.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 30
issue 3,
pp. 166-175
Nath, Prem; Singh, Ranjit:
Extreme symmetry and the directed divergence in information theory.
vol. 20
issue 4,
pp. 329-337
Arora, P. N.; Chowdhary, Subhash:
Generalised directed divergence without symmetry.
vol. 20
issue 2,
pp. 147-158
Singh, R. P.; Khanna, R. K.:
On characterization of directed divergence of type $\beta$ through information equation.
vol. 20
issue 2,
pp. 159-167
Dial, Gur:
On measurable solutions of a functional equation and its application to information theory.
vol. 20
issue 1,
pp. 78-82
Pereira, Rosimary; Dial, Gur:
Pseudo-generalization of Shannon inequality for Mittal's entropy and its application in coding theory.
vol. 20
issue 1,
pp. 73-77
Šujan, Štefan:
Ergodic theory, entropy, and coding problems of information theory.
vol. 19
issue 7,
pp. (1),3-66
Katětov, Miroslav:
Extended Shannon entropies. I.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 33
issue 4,
pp. 564-601
Ebanks, Bruce R.:
Measures of vector information with the branching property.
vol. 19
issue 3,
pp. 263-269
Kannappan, PL.:
On a multiplace functional equation related to information measures and functions.
vol. 19
issue 2,
pp. 110-120
Dial, Gur:
On measurable solutions of a functional equation and their application to information theory.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 28
issue 2,
pp. 103-107
Hooda, D. S.:
Sub-additive measures of information improvement.
vol. 19
issue 5,
pp. 414-421
Šujan, Štefan:
Continuity and quantization of channels with infinite alphabets.
vol. 17
issue 6,
pp. 465-478
Kannappan, PL.:
On some functional equations from additive and nonadditive measures. IV.
vol. 17
issue 5,
pp. 394-400
Dial, Gur; Taneja, Inder Jeet:
On weighted entropy of type $(\alpha ,\beta )$ and its generalizations.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 26
issue 6,
pp. 418-425
Vajda, Igor; Eckschlager, Karel:
Analysis of a measurement information.
vol. 16
issue 2,
pp. (120)-144
Katětov, Miroslav:
Correction to “Extensions of the Shannon entropy to semimetrized measure spaces”.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 21
issue 4,
pp. 825-830
Katětov, Miroslav:
Extensions of the Shannon entropy to semimetrized measure spaces.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 21
issue 1,
pp. 171-192
Behara, M.; Nath, P.:
On additive and non-additive measures of directed divergence.
vol. 16
issue 1,
pp. (1)-12
Vašek, Karol:
On the error exponent for ergodic Markov source.
vol. 16
issue 4,
pp. (318)-329
Sallantin, Jean; Van der Pyl, Thierry:
Entropies, dimensions et représentation d'observations.
(French) [Enthropies, dimmensions and representations of observations].
vol. 15
issue 4,
pp. (299)-315
Kannappan, PL.; Rathie, P. N.:
Generalization of sum representation functional equations. II: Generalized directed divergence.
vol. 15
issue 1,
pp. (28)-39
Sharma, Bhu Dev; Singh, Ishwar:
A new generalization of entropy and its characterization.
vol. 15
issue 5,
pp. (366)-375
Khan, A. Basar:
On an axiomatic characterization of entropy of order $\alpha$ (theoretic measure).
vol. 15
issue 4,
pp. (293)-298
Taneja, I. J.; Gupta, H. C.:
On axiomatic characterization of information-theoretic measure type $\left( \begin{array}{cc} \alpha & \beta \\ \gamma & \delta \end{array} \right)$.
vol. 15
issue 3,
pp. (204)-214
Šajda, Jozef:
On probability of first order formulas in a given model.
vol. 15
issue 4,
pp. (261)-271
Aggarwal, N. L.; Picard, C. F.:
Functional equations and information measures with preference.
vol. 14
issue 3,
pp. (174)-181
Taneja, Inder Jeet; Gupta, H. C.:
On generalized measures of relative information and inaccuracy.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 23
issue 5,
pp. 317-333
Taneja, Inder Jeet:
On axiomatic characterization of entropy of type $(\alpha,\beta)$.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 22
issue 6,
pp. 409-417
Rathie, P. N.:
Generalization of the non-additive measures of uncertainty and information and their axiomatic characterizations.
vol. 7
issue 2,
pp. (125)-132
Rathie, P. N.:
On some new measures of uncertainty, inaccuracy and information and their characterizations.
vol. 7
issue 5,
pp. (394)-403
Białasiewicz, Jan:
Statistical data reduction via construction of sample space partitions.
vol. 6
issue 6,
pp. (442)-455
Baladová, Libuše:
Minimum of average conditional entropy for given minimum probability of error.
vol. 2
issue 5,
pp. (416)-422