15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory
15A18 Eigenvalues, singular values, and eigenvectors (93 articles)
Ma, Wei; Zhu, Yuqing; Dang, Yawei:
Two-step Ulm-Chebyshev-like method for inverse singular value problems with multiple singular values.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 70
issue 1,
pp. 65-95
Ma, Yuzheng; Shao, Yanling:
Some properties of generalized distance eigenvalues of graphs.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 74
issue 1,
pp. 1-15
Wang, Yinghua; Song, Xinnian; Gao, Lei:
A new inclusion interval for the real eigenvalues of real matrices.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 73
issue 3,
pp. 979-992
Ganie, Hilal A.; Ul Shaban, Rezwan; Rather, Bilal A.; Pirzada, Shariefuddin:
On distance Laplacian energy in terms of graph invariants.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 73
issue 2,
pp. 335-353
Milovanović, Emina; Bozkurt Altindağ, Serife B.; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Igor:
On the signless Laplacian and normalized signless Laplacian spreads of graphs.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 73
issue 2,
pp. 499-511
Janovská, Drahoslava; Opfer, Gerhard:
A survey of some recent results on Clifford algebras in $\mathbb {R}^4$.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 68
issue 5,
pp. 571-592
Milovanović, Emina; Bozkurt Altındağ, Şerife Burcu; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Igor:
Inequalities for real number sequences with applications in spectral graph theory.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 72
issue 3,
pp. 783-799
Zeng, Wenlong; Liu, Jianzhou:
A lower bound sequence for the minimum eigenvalue of Hadamard product of an $M$-matrix and its inverse.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 72
issue 3,
pp. 663-679
Gazda, Matej; Plavka, Ján:
Controllable and tolerable generalized eigenvectors of interval max-plus matrices.
vol. 57
issue 6,
pp. 922-938
Zhao, Yanbin; Hu, Guang-Da:
Delay-dependent stability of high-order neutral systems.
vol. 57
issue 5,
pp. 737-749
Kim, Sooyeong; Kirkland, Steve:
Fiedler vectors with unbalanced sign patterns.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 71
issue 4,
pp. 1071-1098
Myšková, Helena; Plavka, Ján:
Strong $\mathbf {X}$-robustness of interval max-min matrices.
vol. 57
issue 4,
pp. 594-612
S. Muni, Vijayakumar; K. George, Raju:
Controllability of linear impulsive systems – an eigenvalue approach.
vol. 56
issue 4,
pp. 727-752
Liu, Muhuo; Yuan, Yuan; Chandra Das, Kinkar:
The fan graph is determined by its signless Laplacian spectrum.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 70
issue 1,
pp. 21-31
Nishida, Yuki; Watanabe, Sennosuke; Watanabe, Yoshihide:
On the vectors associated with the roots of max-plus characteristic polynomials.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 65
issue 6,
pp. 785-805
Rocha, Israel:
Partial sum of eigenvalues of random graphs.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 65
issue 5,
pp. 609-618
Hnětynková, Iveta; Plešinger, Martin; Žáková, Jana:
Solvability classes for core problems in matrix total least squares minimization.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 64
issue 2,
pp. 103-128
Plavka, Ján; Berežný, Štefan:
{\bf X}-simplicity of interval max-min matrices.
vol. 54
issue 3,
pp. 413-426
Chen, Xiaodan; Hao, Guoliang; Jin, Dequan; Li, Jingjian:
Note on a conjecture for the sum of signless Laplacian eigenvalues.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 68
issue 3,
pp. 601-610
Hnětynková, Iveta; Plešinger, Martin; Žáková, Jana:
Filter factors of truncated TLS regularization with multiple observations.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 62
issue 2,
pp. 105-120
Chen, Hongjia; Imakura, Akira; Sakurai, Tetsuya:
Improving backward stability of Sakurai-Sugiura method with balancing technique in polynomial eigenvalue problem.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 62
issue 4,
pp. 357-375
Yamamoto, Yusaku:
On the optimality and sharpness of Laguerre's lower bound on the smallest eigenvalue of a symmetric positive definite matrix.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 62
issue 4,
pp. 319-331
Plavka, Ján; Sergeev, Sergeĭ:
Characterizing matrices with ${\bf {X}}$-simple image eigenspace in max-min semiring.
vol. 52
issue 4,
pp. 497-513
Ali, Didar A.; Gauci, John Baptist; Sciriha, Irene; Sharaf, Khidir R.:
Coalescing Fiedler and core vertices.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 66
issue 3,
pp. 971-985
Cioabă, Sebastian M.; Gu, Xiaofeng:
Connectivity, toughness, spanning trees of bounded degree, and the spectrum of regular graphs.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 66
issue 3,
pp. 913-924
Katulska, Krystyna; Smaga, Łukasz:
D-optimal and highly D-efficient designs with non-negatively correlated observations.
vol. 52
issue 4,
pp. 575-588
Johnson, Charles R.; Marijuán, Carlos; Pisonero, Miriam; Yeh, Michael:
Exponential polynomial inequalities and monomial sum inequalities in $\rm p$-Newton sequences.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 66
issue 3,
pp. 793-819
Fallat, Shaun; Soltani, Abolghasem:
Line graphs: their maximum nullities and zero forcing numbers.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 66
issue 3,
pp. 743-755
Fasino, Dario; Tudisco, Francesco:
Localization of dominant eigenpairs and planted communities by means of Frobenius inner products.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 66
issue 3,
pp. 881-893
Shao, Yanling; Gao, Yubin; Gao, Wei:
$\mathcal {D}_{n,r}$ is not potentially nilpotent for $n \geq 4r-2$.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 66
issue 3,
pp. 671-679
Mei, Yinzhen; Gao, Yubin; Shao, Yanling; Wang, Peng:
A new family of spectrally arbitrary ray patterns.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 66
issue 4,
pp. 1049-1058
Du, Zhibin; da Fonseca, Carlos M.:
The real symmetric matrices of odd order with a P-set of maximum size.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 66
issue 3,
pp. 1007-1026
You, Lihua; Shu, Yujie; Zhang, Xiao-Dong:
A sharp upper bound for the spectral radius of a nonnegative matrix and applications.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 66
issue 3,
pp. 701-715
Kirkland, Steve; Rocha, Israel; Trevisan, Vilmar:
Algebraic connectivity of $k$-connected graphs.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 65
issue 1,
pp. 219-236
Milovanović, Igor Ž.; Milovanović, Emina I.; Glogić, Edin:
On Laplacian eigenvalues of connected graphs.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 65
issue 2,
pp. 529-535
Chen, Xiaodan; Hou, Yaoping:
On the bounds of Laplacian eigenvalues of $k$-connected graphs.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 65
issue 3,
pp. 701-712
Cheng, Guanghui:
New bounds for the minimum eigenvalue of the Fan product of two $M$-matrices.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 64
issue 1,
pp. 63-68
Wang, Guoping; Guo, Guangquan; Min, Li:
On the signless Laplacian spectral characterization of the line graphs of $T$-shape trees.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 64
issue 2,
pp. 311-325
Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina:
Remark on inequalities for the Laplacian spread of graphs.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 64
issue 1,
pp. 285-287
Hrůzová, Klára; Hron, Karel; Rypka, Miroslav; Fišerová, Eva:
Covariance Structure of Principal Components for Three-Part Compositional Data.
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica,
vol. 52
issue 2,
pp. 61-69
Tian, Gui-Xian; Huang, Ting-Zhu:
Bounds for the (Laplacian) spectral radius of graphs with parameter $\alpha $.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 62
issue 2,
pp. 567-580
Hu, Guang-Da; Mitsui, Taketomo:
Bounds of the matrix eigenvalues and its exponential by Lyapunov equation.
vol. 48
issue 5,
pp. 865-878
You, Zhifu; Liu, BoLian:
The Laplacian spread of graphs.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 62
issue 1,
pp. 155-168
Liu, Muhuo:
Some graphs determined by their (signless) Laplacian spectra.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 62
issue 4,
pp. 1117-1134
Swart, Jan M.:
Intertwining of birth-and-death processes.
vol. 47
issue 1,
pp. 1-14
Liu, BoLian; Chen, Siyuan:
Algebraic conditions for $t$-tough graphs.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 60
issue 4,
pp. 1079-1089
Shi, Wei; Kang, Liying; Wu, Suichao:
Bounds on Laplacian eigenvalues related to total and signed domination of graphs.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 60
issue 2,
pp. 315-325
Gavalec, Martin; Tomášková, Hana:
Eigenspace of a circulant max–min matrix.
vol. 46
issue 3,
pp. 397-404
Gavalec, Martin; Plavka, Ján:
Monotone interval eigenproblem in max–min algebra.
vol. 46
issue 3,
pp. 387-396
Kim, In-Jae; Waters, Charles:
Symmetric sign patterns with maximal inertias.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 60
issue 1,
pp. 101-104
Shao, Yanling; Gao, Yubin:
Exponents of two-colored digraphs.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 59
issue 3,
pp. 655-685
Li, Honghai; Li, Jiongsheng:
On potentially nilpotent double star sign patterns.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 59
issue 2,
pp. 489-501
Ball, Richard N.; Hager, Anthony W.:
Monomorphisms in spaces with Lindelöf filters.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 57
issue 1,
pp. 281-317
Fan, Yi-Zheng:
On eigenvectors of mixed graphs with exactly one nonsingular cycle.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 57
issue 4,
pp. 1215-1222
Tan, Yi-jia:
Indecomposable matrices over a distributive lattice.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 56
issue 2,
pp. 299-316
Fonseca, C. M. da:
On the inertia sets of some symmetric sign patterns.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 56
issue 3,
pp. 875-883
Shao, Yanling; Sun, Liang; Gao, Yubin:
$\pm$ sign pattern matrices that allow orthogonality.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 56
issue 3,
pp. 969-979
Impram, Serkan T.; Johnson, Russell; Pavani, Raffaella:
The $D$-stability problem for $4\times 4$ real matrices.
Archivum Mathematicum,
vol. 41
issue 4,
pp. 439-450
Skrzyński, Marcin:
On a singular set for the restriction of the characteristic map to a linear subspace of $\Cal M_n$.
Mathematica Slovaca,
vol. 54
issue 3,
pp. 229-236
Gao, Yubin; Shao, Yanling:
The inertia set of nonnegative symmetric sign pattern with zero diagonal.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 53
issue 4,
pp. 925-934
Skrzyński, Marcin:
Irreducible algebraic sets of matrices with dominant restriction of the characteristic map.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 128
issue 1,
pp. 91-101
Koliha, J. J.:
Block diagonalization.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 126
issue 1,
pp. 237-246
Bo, Zhou:
Bounds for the spectral radius of nonnegative matrices.
Mathematica Slovaca,
vol. 51
issue 2,
pp. 179-183
Risteski, Ice B.:
Reduction of the modified Poincaré differential equation to Birkhoff matrix form.
Archivum Mathematicum,
vol. 37
issue 2,
pp. 103-113
Eschenbach, Carolyn A.; Hall, Frank J.; Li, Zhongshan:
Eigenvalue distribution of certain ray patterns.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 50
issue 4,
pp. 749-762
Kratz, Werner:
Sturm-Liouville difference equations and banded matrices.
Archivum Mathematicum,
vol. 36
issue 5,
pp. 499-505
Kirkland, Stephen J.; Neumann, Michael; Shader, Bryan L.:
Bounds on the subdominant eigenvalue involving group inverses with applications to graphs.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 48
issue 1,
pp. 1-20
Havlicek, Hans:
On the matrices of central linear mappings.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 121
issue 2,
pp. 151-156
Rohn, Jiří:
Checking positive definiteness or stability of symmetric interval matrices is NP-hard.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 35
issue 4,
pp. 795-797
Eschenbach, Carolyn A.; Hall, Frank J.; Li, Zhongshan:
Eigenvalue frequency and consistent sign pattern matrices.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 44
issue 3,
pp. 461-479
Veselý, Petr:
Majorants of matrix norms and spectrum localization.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 44
issue 1,
pp. 141-161
Fiedler, Miroslav; Markham, Thomas L.:
On a theorem of Everitt, Thompson, and de Pillis.
Mathematica Slovaca,
vol. 44
issue 4,
pp. 441-444
Cliffe, K. A.; Garratt, T. J.; Spence, A.:
A modified Cayley transform for the discretized Navier-Stokes equations.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 38
issue 4,
pp. 281-288
Merikoski, Jorma Kaarlo; Virtanen, Ari:
On elementary symmetric functions of the eigenvalues of the sum and product of normal matrices.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 42
issue 2,
pp. 193-198
Lešanovský, Antonín:
Coefficients of ergodicity generated by non-symmetrical vector norms.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 40
issue 2,
pp. 284-294
Fiedler, Miroslav:
A deflation formula for tridiagonal matrices.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 25
issue 5,
pp. 348-357
Dostál, Zdeněk:
A note on estimate of the spectral radius of symmetric matrices.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 21
issue 2,
pp. 333-340
Luong Dinh Tin:
The comparison of spectrum of normalizable matrices.
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica,
vol. 19
issue 2,
pp. 69-74
Fiedler, Miroslav:
A note on nonnegative matrices.
Mathematica Slovaca,
vol. 27
issue 1,
pp. 33-36
Zezula, R.; Roček, J.; Miasnikov, A.:
On relations between right and left eigenvectors of nonselfadjoint matrix pencils.
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica,
vol. 18
issue 1,
pp. 37-45
Pták, Vlastimil:
The spectral radii of an operator and its modulus.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 17
issue 2,
pp. 273-279
Fiedler, Miroslav:
Eigenvectors of acyclic matrices.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 25
issue 4,
pp. 607-618
Wimmer, Harald K.:
Spektralradius und Spektralnorm.
(German) [Spectral radius and spectral norm].
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 24
issue 3,
pp. 501-502
Zítko, Jan:
Kellogg's iterations for general complex matrix.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 19
issue 5,
pp. 342-365
Wilkinson, J. H.:
Note on inverse iteration and III-conditioned eigensystems.
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica,
vol. 15
issue 1,
pp. 173-177
Kopáček, Jiří:
Correction to my paper: “On pairs of matrices with property $L$”.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 13
issue 2,
pp. 409
Šisler, Miroslav:
Über ein Iterationsverfahren für zyklische Matrizen.
(German) [On one iteration method for cyclic matrices].
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 17
issue 3,
pp. 225-233
Mařík, Jan; Pták, Vlastimil:
Norms, spectra and combinatorial properties of matrices.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 10
issue 2,
pp. 181-196