03 Mathematical logic and foundations
03E72 Fuzzy set theory (186 articles)
Zhao, Hu; Jia, Li-Yan; Chen, Gui-Xiu:
Convex $(L,M)$-fuzzy remote neighborhood operators.
vol. 60
issue 2,
pp. 150-171
Xiu, Zhen-Yu; Zheng, Xu:
A new approach to construct uninorms via uninorms on bounded lattices.
vol. 60
issue 2,
pp. 125-149
Wu, Tao:
New constructions of uni-nullnorms on certain classes of bounded lattices by closure (interior) operators.
vol. 60
issue 5,
pp. 624-651
Paad, Akbar:
New kinds of hybrid filters of EQ-algebras.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 149
issue 1,
pp. 105-127
Isaks, Reinis:
Properties of quantum logic maps as fuzzy relations on a set of all symmetric and idempotent binary matrices.
vol. 60
issue 5,
pp. 682-689
Zhang, Yi-Qun; Wang, Ya-Ming; Liu, Hua-Wen:
Representation of uni-nullnorms and null-uninorms on bounded lattices.
vol. 60
issue 1,
pp. 76-89
Li, Gang; Li, Zhenbo; Wang, Jing:
Some results on the weak dominance relation between ordered weighted averaging operators and T-norms.
vol. 60
issue 3,
pp. 379-393
Çayli, Gül Deniz:
A characterization of uninorms on bounded lattices via closure and interior operators.
vol. 59
issue 5,
pp. 768-790
Kon, Masamichi:
Characterization of fuzzy order relation by fuzzy cone.
vol. 58
issue 5,
pp. 779-789
Stepanović, Vanja; Tepavčević, Andreja:
Fuzzy sets (in)equations with a complete codomain lattice.
vol. 58
issue 2,
pp. 145-162
Sriraman, Ramalingam; Nedunchezhiyan, Asha:
Global stability of Clifford-valued Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy neural networks with time-varying delays and impulses.
vol. 58
issue 4,
pp. 498-521
Matusiewicz, Zofia:
Minimizing and maximizing a linear objective function under a fuzzy $\max -\ast $ relational equation and an inequality constraint.
vol. 58
issue 3,
pp. 320-334
Peng, Zuming:
On the $T$-conditionality of $T$-power based implications.
vol. 58
issue 1,
pp. 43-63
Aşıcı, Emel:
On the construction of t-norms (t-conorms) by using interior (closure) operator on bounded lattices.
vol. 58
issue 3,
pp. 456-478
Karaçal, Funda; Köroğlu, Tuncay:
A principal topology obtained from uninorms.
vol. 58
issue 6,
pp. 863-882
Pan, Deng; Zhou, Hongjun:
Distributivity of ordinal sum implications over overlap and grouping functions.
vol. 57
issue 4,
pp. 647-670
Karaçal, Funda; Ertuğrul, Ümit; Kesicioğlu, M. Nesibe:
Generating methods for principal topologies on bounded lattices.
vol. 57
issue 4,
pp. 714-736
Hua, Xiu-Juan; Zhang, Hua-Peng; Ouyang, Yao:
Note on "construction of uninorms on bounded lattices".
vol. 57
issue 2,
pp. 372-382
Aşıcı, Emel:
On the constructions of t-norms and t-conorms on some special classes of bounded lattices.
vol. 57
issue 2,
pp. 352-371
Aşıcı, Emel; Mesiar, Radko:
On the direct product of uninorms on bounded lattices.
vol. 57
issue 6,
pp. 989-1004
Su, Yong; Mesiar, Radko:
Representation and construction of homogeneous and quasi-homogeneous $n$-ary aggregation functions.
vol. 57
issue 6,
pp. 958-969
Yousefi, Amin; Mashinchi, Mashaallah; Mesiar, Radko:
Some notes on the category of fuzzy implications on bounded lattices.
vol. 57
issue 2,
pp. 332-351
Peng, Zuming:
The study on semicopula based implications.
vol. 56
issue 4,
pp. 662-694
Kesicioğlu, M. Nesibe:
Construction methods for implications on bounded lattices.
vol. 55
issue 4,
pp. 641-667
Ertuğrul, Ümit; Kesicioğlu, M. Nesibe; Karaçal, Funda:
Construction methods for uni-nullnorms and null-uninorms on bounded lattice.
vol. 55
issue 6,
pp. 994-1015
Karaçal, Funda; Ertuğrul, Ümit; Kesicioğlu, M. Nesibe:
An extension method for t-norms on subintervals to t-norms on bounded lattices.
vol. 55
issue 6,
pp. 976-993
Aşıcı, Emel:
An extension of the ordering based on nullnorms.
vol. 55
issue 2,
pp. 217-232
Liu, Hui; Zhao, Bin:
Extensions of fuzzy connectives on ACDL.
vol. 55
issue 3,
pp. 472-494
Su, Yong:
Smooth implications on a finite chain.
vol. 55
issue 4,
pp. 668-674
Çaylı, Gül Deniz:
Some methods to obtain t-norms and t-conorms on bounded lattices.
vol. 55
issue 2,
pp. 273-294
Kesicioğlu, M. Nesibe; Ertuğrul, Ü.; Karaçal, F.:
Some notes on U-partial order.
vol. 55
issue 3,
pp. 518-530
Li, Lifeng; Zhang, Jianke; Zhou, Chang:
Sufficient conditions for a T-partial order obtained from triangular norms to be a lattice.
vol. 55
issue 2,
pp. 295-306
Bica, Alexandru Mihai; Fechete, Dorina; Fechete, Ioan:
Towards the properties of fuzzy multiplication for fuzzy numbers.
vol. 55
issue 1,
pp. 44-62
Li, Gang:
On a special class of left-continuous uninorms.
vol. 54
issue 3,
pp. 427-442
Kesicioğlu, M. Nesibe:
About the equivalence of nullnorms on bounded lattice.
vol. 53
issue 5,
pp. 877-891
Çaylı, Gül Deniz; Karaçal, Funda:
Construction of uninorms on bounded lattices.
vol. 53
issue 3,
pp. 394-417
Pavlačka, Ondřej; Pavlačková, Martina; Hetfleiš, Vladislav:
Fuzzy weighted average as a fuzzified aggregation operator and its properties.
vol. 53
issue 1,
pp. 137-160
Díaz, Susana; Induráin, Esteban; Janiš, Vladimír; Llinares, Juan Vicente; Montes, Susana:
Generalized convexities related to aggregation operators of fuzzy sets.
vol. 53
issue 3,
pp. 383-393
Çaylı, Gül Deniz; Ertuğrul, Ümit; Köroğlu, Tuncay; Karaçal, Funda:
Notes on locally internal uninorm on bounded lattices.
vol. 53
issue 5,
pp. 911-921
Aşıcı, Emel; Karaçal, Funda:
Incomparability with respect to the triangular order.
vol. 52
issue 1,
pp. 15-27
Takáč, Zdenko:
OWA operators for discrete gradual intervals: implications to fuzzy intervals and multi-expert decision making.
vol. 52
issue 3,
pp. 379-402
Qin, Feng:
Cauchy-like functional equation based on a class of uninorms.
vol. 51
issue 4,
pp. 678-698
Jin, LeSheng; Kalina, Martin; Qian, Gang:
Fuzzy orness measure and new orness axioms.
vol. 51
issue 4,
pp. 712-723
Li, Gang; Liu, Hua-Wen; Fodor, János:
On almost equitable uninorms.
vol. 51
issue 4,
pp. 699-711
Su, Yong; Liu, Hua-Wen:
Semi-t-operators on a finite totally ordered set.
vol. 51
issue 4,
pp. 667-677
Kramosil, Ivan; Daniel, Milan:
Several results on set-valued possibilistic distributions.
vol. 51
issue 3,
pp. 391-407
Hudec, Miroslav; Vučetić, Miljan:
Some issues of fuzzy querying in relational databases.
vol. 51
issue 6,
pp. 994-1022
Inuiguchi, Masahiro:
Calculations of graded ill-known sets.
vol. 50
issue 2,
pp. 216-233
Baczyński, Michał; Szostok, Tomasz; Niemyska, Wanda:
On a functional equation connected to the distributivity of fuzzy implications over triangular norms and conorms.
vol. 50
issue 5,
pp. 679-695
Qiu, Dong; Lu, Chongxia; Deng, Shuai; Wang, Liang:
On the hyperspace of bounded closed sets under a generalized Hausdorff stationary fuzzy metric.
vol. 50
issue 5,
pp. 758-773
Georgescu, Irina:
Risk aversion, prudence and mixed optimal saving models.
vol. 50
issue 5,
pp. 706-724
Mareš, Milan; Mesiar, Radko:
Information in vague data sources.
vol. 49
issue 3,
pp. 433-445
Su, Yong; Wang, Zhudeng; Tang, Keming:
Left and right semi-uninorms on a complete lattice.
vol. 49
issue 6,
pp. 948-961
Amudhambigai, B.; Uma, M. K.; Roja, E.:
$m^*$-fuzzy basically disconnected spaces in smooth fuzzy topological spaces.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 138
issue 1,
pp. 1-13
Takáč, Zdenko:
On some properties of $\alpha $-planes of type-2 fuzzy sets.
vol. 49
issue 1,
pp. 149-163
Abchir, Mohammed-Amine; Truck, Isis:
Towards an extension of the 2-tuple linguistic model to deal with unbalanced linguistic term sets.
vol. 49
issue 1,
pp. 164-180
Hliněná, Dana; Biba, Vladislav:
Evaluating many valued modus ponens.
vol. 48
issue 3,
pp. 465-477
Grigorenko, Olga:
On the $L$-valued categories of $L$-$E$-ordered sets.
vol. 48
issue 1,
pp. 144-164
Stupňanová, Andrea; Kolesárová, Anna:
Associative $n$-dimensional copulas.
vol. 47
issue 1,
pp. 93-99
Mareš, Milan:
Information Measure for Vague Symbols.
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica,
vol. 50
issue 2,
pp. 89-94
Malinowski, Marek T.; Michta, Mariusz:
Stochastic fuzzy differential equations with an application.
vol. 47
issue 1,
pp. 123-143
Karaçal, Funda; Kesicioğlu, M. Nesibe:
A T-partial order obtained from T-norms.
vol. 47
issue 2,
pp. 300-314
Agahi, Hamzeh; Mesiar, Radko; Ouyang, Yao:
Further development of Chebyshev type inequalities for Sugeno integrals and T-(S-)evaluators.
vol. 46
issue 1,
pp. 83-95
Solovyov, Sergey A.:
On fuzzification of the notion of quantaloid.
vol. 46
issue 6,
pp. 1025-1048
Mesiar, Radko; Sarkoci, Peter:
Open problems posed at the tenth International conference on fuzzy set theory and applications (FSTA 2010, Liptovský Ján, Slovakia).
vol. 46
issue 4,
pp. 585-599
Lebedinska, Julija:
$T$-extension as a method of construction of a generalized aggregation operator.
vol. 46
issue 6,
pp. 1078-1097
Devi, D. Anitha; Roja, E.; Uma, M. K.:
Contra $G_\delta$-continuity in smooth fuzzy topological spaces.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 134
issue 3,
pp. 285-300
Hong, Dug Hun:
A note about operations like $T_W$ (the weakest $t$-norm) based addition on fuzzy intervals.
vol. 45
issue 3,
pp. 541-547
Hong, Dug Hun:
The stability of parameter estimation of fuzzy variables.
vol. 45
issue 3,
pp. 529-540
Mareš, Milan; Vlach, Milan:
Disjointness of fuzzy coalitions.
vol. 44
issue 3,
pp. 416-429
Uma, M. K.; Roja, E.; Balasubramanian, G.:
Tietze extension theorem for pairwise ordered fuzzy extremally disconnected spaces.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 133
issue 4,
pp. 341-349
Roja, E.; Uma, M. K.; Balasubramanian, G.:
Urysohn’s lemma, gluing lemma and contraction$^*$ mapping theorem for fuzzy metric spaces.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 133
issue 2,
pp. 179-185
Močkoř, Jiří:
Extensional subobjects in categories of $\Omega$-fuzzy sets.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 57
issue 2,
pp. 631-645
Mareš, Milan:
Fuzzy data in statistics.
vol. 43
issue 4,
pp. 491-502
Wu, Hsien-Chung:
Fuzzy-valued integrals based on a constructive methodology.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 52
issue 1,
pp. 1-23
Roja, Elango; Uma, Mallasamudram Kuppusamy; Balasubramanian, Ganesan:
$G_\delta$-separation axioms in ordered fuzzy topological spaces.
vol. 43
issue 1,
pp. 103-111
Sobera, Jolanta:
Mixed pseudo-associativities of Bandler-Kohout compositions of relations.
vol. 43
issue 2,
pp. 143-156
Hassan, Qutaiba Ead:
On some kinds of fuzzy connected spaces.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 52
issue 4,
pp. 353-361
Drygaś, Paweł:
On the structure of continuous uninorms.
vol. 43
issue 2,
pp. 183-196
Drewniak, Józef; Dudziak, Urszula:
Preservation of properties of fuzzy relations during aggregation processes.
vol. 43
issue 2,
pp. 115-132
Drewniak, Józef; Pȩkala, Barbara:
Properties of fuzzy relations powers.
vol. 43
issue 2,
pp. 133-142
Butkiewicz, Bohdan:
Some properties of $B$-operations.
vol. 43
issue 2,
pp. 197-208
Baczyński, Michał; Klement, Erich Peter; Mesiar, Radko:
Special issue: Editorial [Papers from 8th International Conference on Fuzzy Sets - Theory and Applications, FSTA 2006].
vol. 43
issue 2,
pp. 113-114
Baczyński, Michał; Jayaram, Balasubramaniam:
Yager’s classes of fuzzy implications: some properties and intersections.
vol. 43
issue 2,
pp. 157-182
Pradera, Ana; Trillas, Enric:
Aggregation operators from the ancient NC and EM point of view.
vol. 42
issue 3,
pp. 243-260
Demirci, Mustafa:
Aggregation operators on partially ordered sets and their categorical foundations.
vol. 42
issue 3,
pp. 261-277
Maes, Koen C.; De Baets, Bernard:
A contour view on uninorm properties.
vol. 42
issue 3,
pp. 303-318
Rückschlossová, Tatiana; Rückschloss, Roman:
Homogeneous aggregation operators.
vol. 42
issue 3,
pp. 279-286
Mišík, Ladislav; Tóth, János T.:
On asymptotic behaviour of universal fuzzy measures.
vol. 42
issue 3,
pp. 379-388
Mesiar, Radko; Klement, Erich Peter:
Open problems posed at the eighth international conference on fuzzy set theory and applications.
vol. 42
issue 2,
pp. 225-235
Struk, Peter; Stupňanová, Andrea:
$S$-measures, $T$-measures and distinguished classes of fuzzy measures.
vol. 42
issue 3,
pp. 367-378
Durante, Fabrizio; Quesada-Molina, José; Sempi, Carlo:
Semicopulas: characterizations and applicability.
vol. 42
issue 3,
pp. 287-302
Kiseliova, Tatiana:
A theoretical comparison of disco and CADIAG-II-like systems for medical diagnoses.
vol. 42
issue 6,
pp. 723-748
Drewniak, Józef; Dudziak, Urszula:
Aggregations preserving classes of fuzzy relations.
vol. 41
issue 3,
pp. [265]-284
Kramosil, Ivan:
Approximations of lattice-valued possibilistic measures.
vol. 41
issue 2,
pp. [177]-204
Stupňanová, Andrea:
The cancellation law for pseudo-convolution.
vol. 41
issue 3,
pp. [285]-296
Valášková, Ľubica; Struk, Peter:
Classes of fuzzy measures and distortion.
vol. 41
issue 2,
pp. [205]-212
Drygaś, Paweł:
Discussion of the structure of uninorms.
vol. 41
issue 2,
pp. [213]-226
Šešelja, Branimir; Tepavčević, Andreja:
Equivalent fuzzy sets.
vol. 41
issue 2,
pp. [115]-128
Holeňa, Martin:
Extraction of fuzzy logic rules from data by means of artificial neural networks.
vol. 41
issue 3,
pp. [297]-314
Stouti, Abdelkader:
Fixed points theorems of non-expanding fuzzy multifunctions.
Archivum Mathematicum,
vol. 41
issue 1,
pp. 117-122
Bednář, Josef:
Fuzzy distances.
vol. 41
issue 3,
pp. [375]-388
Kroupa, Tomáš:
Many-dimensional observables on Łukasiewicz tribe: constructions, conditioning and conditional independence.
vol. 41
issue 4,
pp. [451]-468
Šabo, Michal; Strežo, Peter:
On reverses of some binary operators.
vol. 41
issue 4,
pp. [435]-450
Mareš, Milan; Mesiar, Radko:
Special Issue: Editorial [Selected papers from 7th FSTA Conference, 2004].
vol. 41
issue 2,
pp. [113]-114
Janssens, Saskia; De Baets, Bernard; De Meyer, Hans:
Bell-type inequalities for parametric families of triangular norms.
vol. 40
issue 1,
pp. [89]-106
Močkoř, Jiří:
Complete subobjects of fuzzy sets over $MV$-algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 54
issue 2,
pp. 379-392
Gómez, Daniel; Montero, Javier:
A discussion on aggregation operators.
vol. 40
issue 1,
pp. [107]-120
Stouti, Abdelkader:
A fuzzy version of Tarski's fixpoint theorem.
Archivum Mathematicum,
vol. 40
issue 3,
pp. 273-279
Kalina, Martin:
Nearness relations in linear spaces.
vol. 40
issue 4,
pp. [441]-458
Tsiporkova, Elena; Boeva, Veselka:
Nonparametric recursive aggregation process.
vol. 40
issue 1,
pp. [51]-70
Hong, Dug Hun:
On types of fuzzy numbers under addition.
vol. 40
issue 4,
pp. [469]-476
Miranda, Pedro; Grabisch, Michel:
$p$-symmetric bi-capacities.
vol. 40
issue 4,
pp. [421]-440
Calvo, Tomasa; Mesiar, Radko:
Special Issue: Guest editorial [Summer School on Aggregation Operators, Related Techniques and Their Applications AGOP'2003].
vol. 40
issue 1,
pp. [1]-2
Díaz, Susana; Montes, Susana; De Baets, Bernard:
Transitive decomposition of fuzzy preference relations: the case of nilpotent minimum.
vol. 40
issue 1,
pp. [71]-88
Hong, Dug Hun:
An additive decomposition of fuzzy numbers.
vol. 39
issue 3,
pp. [289]-294
Mareš, Milan; Vlach, Milan:
Alternative model of fuzzy NTU coalitional game.
vol. 39
issue 3,
pp. [265]-274
Stouti, Abdelkader:
Fixed points of fuzzy monotone multifunctions.
Archivum Mathematicum,
vol. 39
issue 3,
pp. 209-212
Saminger, Susanne; Mesiar, Radko:
A general approach to decomposable bi-capacities.
vol. 39
issue 5,
pp. [631]-642
Chleboun, Jan:
On fuzzy input data and the worst scenario method.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 48
issue 6,
pp. 487-496
Hong, Dug Hun:
$T$-equivalences generated by shape function on the real line.
vol. 39
issue 3,
pp. [281]-288
Vivona, Doretta; Divari, Maria:
Aggregation operators and fuzzy measures on hypographs.
vol. 38
issue 3,
pp. [245]-257
Mareš, Milan:
Coalitional fuzzy preferences.
vol. 38
issue 3,
pp. [339]-352
Mareš, Milan; Mesiar, Radko:
Dual meaning of verbal quantities.
vol. 38
issue 6,
pp. [709]-716
Sarkoci, Peter; Šabo, Michal:
Information boundedness principle in fuzzy inference process.
vol. 38
issue 3,
pp. [327]-338
Klement, Erich Peter; Mesiar, Radko; Pap, Endre:
Invariant copulas.
vol. 38
issue 3,
pp. [275]-286
Kolesárová, Anna:
Möbius fitting aggregation operators.
vol. 38
issue 3,
pp. [259]-273
Jun, Young Bae; Roh, Eun Hwan; Kim, Hee Sik:
On fuzzy $B$-algebras.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 52
issue 2,
pp. 375-384
Bartušek, Tomáš; Navara, Mirko:
Program for generating fuzzy logical operations and its use in mathematical proofs.
vol. 38
issue 3,
pp. [235]-244
Kolesárová, Anna; Vivona, Doretta:
Entropy of $T$-sums and $T$-products of $L$-$R$ fuzzy numbers.
vol. 37
issue 2,
pp. [127]-145
Lupiáñez, Francisco Gallego:
On Michálek's fuzzy topological spaces.
vol. 37
issue 2,
pp. [159]-163
Thangaraj, G.; Balasubramanian, G.:
On somewhat fuzzy semicontinuous functions.
vol. 37
issue 2,
pp. [165]-170
Balasubramaniam, P.; Sankar, S. Murali:
The variational principle of fixed point theorems in certain fuzzy topological spaces.
vol. 37
issue 2,
pp. [147]-158
Klement, Erich Peter; Mesiar, Radko; Pap, Endre:
Generated triangular norms.
vol. 36
issue 3,
pp. [363]-377
Liu, Mingxue:
A representation theorem for probabilistic metric spaces in general.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 50
issue 3,
pp. 551-554
Andrejková, Gabriela:
The similarity of two strings of fuzzy sets.
vol. 36
issue 6,
pp. [671]-687
Marková-Stupňanová, Andrea:
$T$-law of large numbers for fuzzy numbers.
vol. 36
issue 3,
pp. [379]-388
Beg, Ismat:
Fixed points of fuzzy monotone maps.
Archivum Mathematicum,
vol. 35
issue 2,
pp. 141-144
Lupiañez, Francisco Gallego:
Proto-metrizable fuzzy topological spaces.
vol. 35
issue 2,
pp. [209]-213
Lupiáñez, Francisco Gallego:
Finite-to-one fuzzy maps and fuzzy perfect maps.
vol. 34
issue 2,
pp. [163]-169
Jun, Young Bae; Neggers, J.; Kim, Hee Sik:
On $L$-fuzzy ideals in semirings. I.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 48
issue 4,
pp. 669-675
Močkoř, Jiří:
General fuzzy decision systems.
Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis,
vol. 5
issue 1,
pp. 81-95
Mareš, Milan; Mesiar, Radko:
Composition of shape generators.
Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis,
vol. 4
issue 1,
pp. 37-45
Mareš, Milan:
Fuzzy zero, algebraic equivalence: yes or no?.
vol. 32
issue 4,
pp. 343-351
Riečan, Beloslav:
Upper and lower limits of sequences of observables in D-posets of fuzzy sets.
Mathematica Slovaca,
vol. 46
issue 4,
pp. 419-431
Mareš, Milan:
Brief note on distributivity of triangular fuzzy numbers.
vol. 31
issue 5,
pp. 451-457
Dvurečenskij, Anatolij:
Remarks on representation of fuzzy quantum posets.
Mathematica Slovaca,
vol. 44
issue 4,
pp. 429-440
Mareš, Milan:
Algebraic equivalences over fuzzy quantities.
vol. 29
issue 2,
pp. 121-132
Mareš, Milan:
Remarks on fuzzy quantities with finite support.
vol. 29
issue 2,
pp. 133-143
Kramosil, Ivan:
An alternative approach to rough sets.
vol. 28
issue 1,
pp. (1)-25
Kramosil, Ivan:
Comparing alternative definitions of Boolean-valued fuzzy sets.
vol. 28
issue 6,
pp. 425-443
Kramosil, Ivan:
From an alternative model of rough sets to fuzzy sets.
vol. 28
issue 7,
pp. 12-16
Achache, Achille; Sangalli, Arturo A. L.:
Fuzzy concepts defined via residuated maps.
vol. 28
issue 7,
pp. 25-27
Ostasiewicz, Walenty:
Half a century of fuzzy sets.
vol. 28
issue 7,
pp. 17-20
Mareš, Milan:
Multiplication of fuzzy quantities.
vol. 28
issue 5,
pp. 337-356
Drossos, Costas A.; Markakis, George; Shakhatreh, M.:
A nonstandard approach to fuzzy set theory.
vol. 28
issue 7,
pp. 41-44
Fullér, Róbert; Keresztfalvi, Tibor:
A note on $T$-norm-based operations on $LR$ fuzzy intervals.
vol. 28
issue 7,
pp. 45-49
Harman, Blahoslav:
Sum and product of the modified real fuzzy numbers.
vol. 28
issue 7,
pp. 37-40
Dvurečenskij, Anatolij; Tirpáková, Anna:
Sum of observables in fuzzy quantum spaces.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 37
issue 1,
pp. 40-50
Chovanec, Ferdinand; Kôpka, František:
Fuzzy equality and convergences for $F$-observables in $F$-quantum spaces.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 36
issue 1,
pp. 32-45
Riečan, Beloslav:
On mean value in $F$-quantum spaces.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 35
issue 3,
pp. 209-214
Mareš, Milan:
Addition of fuzzy quantities: Disjunction-conjunction approach.
vol. 25
issue 2,
pp. 104-116
Mareš, Milan:
Addition of rational fuzzy quantities: Convolutive approach.
vol. 25
issue 1,
pp. 1-11,12
Chien, Tran Quoc:
Medium distances of probability-fuzzy points and an application to linear programming.
vol. 25
issue 6,
pp. 494-504
Riečan, Beloslav:
Remark on an integral of M. Matloka.
Mathematica Slovaca,
vol. 38
issue 4,
pp. 341-344
Turunen, E.:
On generalized fuzzy relation equations: necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions.
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica,
vol. 28
issue 1,
pp. 33-37
Machner, Joachim:
Standard monads.
Archivum Mathematicum,
vol. 23
issue 2,
pp. 77-88
Sgall, Jiří:
Construction of the class FN.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 27
issue 3,
pp. 435-436
Šik, František:
Užití fuzzy množin v rozhodování za neurčitosti.
(Czech) [The use of fuzzy sets in decisions under uncertainty].
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie,
vol. 30
issue 2,
pp. 92-105
Šostak, A.:
A fuzzy modification of the category of linearly ordered spaces.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 26
issue 3,
pp. 421-442
Dutta Majumder, D.:
Fuzzy sets in pattern recognition, image analysis and automatic speech recognition.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 30
issue 4,
pp. 237-254
Machner, Joachim:
$T$-algebras of the monad $L$-Fuzz.
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,
vol. 35
issue 4,
pp. 515-528
Novák, Vilém; Černý, Martin; Nekola, Jiří:
Fuzzy množiny - perspektivy, problémy a aplikace.
(Czech) [Fuzzy sets - perspectives, problems and applications].
Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie,
vol. 29
issue 3,
pp. 126-137
Wygralak, Maciej:
A supplement to Gottwald's note on fuzzy cardinals.
vol. 20
issue 3,
pp. 240-243
Ramík, Jaroslav:
Extension principle and fuzzy-mathematical programming.
vol. 19
issue 6,
pp. 516-525
Spal, Jindřich:
Fundamentals of a mathematical theory of fuzzy sets.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 27
issue 5,
pp. 326-340
Pultr, Aleš:
Fuzziness and fuzzy equality.
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae,
vol. 23
issue 2,
pp. 249-267
Warner, M. W.:
Integral nets and fuzzy relations in deterministic automata.
vol. 18
issue 1,
pp. 22-30
Bek, Roman; Pokorný, Zdeněk; Růžička, Milan:
Large variable systems of higher degrees in fuzzification process. Fuzzification of systems for technical and medical practice. II.
vol. 18
issue 5,
pp. 447-454
Bek, Roman; Pokorný, Zdeněk; Růžička, Milan:
Principal concepts of systems fuzzification. Fuzzification of systems for technical and medical practice. I.
vol. 18
issue 3,
pp. 234-246
Gottwald, Siegfried:
A note on fuzzy cardinals.
vol. 16
issue 2,
pp. (156)-158