93 Systems theory; control
93D15 Stabilization of systems by feedback (128 articles)
Khochemane, Houssem Eddine; Labidi, Sara; Loucif, Sami; Djebabla, Abdelhak:
Global well-posedness and energy decay for a one dimensional porous-elastic system subject to a neutral delay.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 150
issue 1,
pp. 109-138
Guo, Chaoqun; Hu, Jiangping; Hao, Jiasheng; Čelikovský, Sergej; Hu, Xiaoming:
Fixed-time safe tracking control of uncertain high-order nonlinear pure-feedback systems via unified transformation functions.
vol. 59
issue 3,
pp. 342-364
Zhang, Xueqin; Zhu, Yunru; Zheng, Yuanshi:
Generalized synchronization-based partial topology identification of complex networks.
vol. 59
issue 3,
pp. 512-526
Bouzettouta, Lamine; Baibeche, Sabah; Abdelli, Manel; Guesmia, Amar:
Stability result for a thermoelastic Bresse system with delay term in the internal feedback.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 148
issue 3,
pp. 409-434
Shen, Yanjun; Lin, Lei:
Adaptive output feedback stabilization for nonlinear systems with unknown polynomial-of-output growth rate and sensor uncertainty.
vol. 58
issue 4,
pp. 637-660
Hong, Gimyong; Hong, Hakho:
Logarithmic stabilization of the Kirchhoff plate transmission system with locally distributed Kelvin-Voigt damping.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 67
issue 1,
pp. 21-47
Glizer, Valery Y.:
Stability and stabilization of one class of three time-scale systems with delays.
vol. 58
issue 4,
pp. 593-625
Meiying, Ou; Haibin, Sun; Zhenxing, Zhang; Lingchun, Li; Xiang-ao, Wang:
Fixed-time tracking control for nonholonomic mobile robot.
vol. 57
issue 2,
pp. 220-235
Benali, Hanen:
Global output feedback stabilization for nonlinear fractional order time delay systems.
vol. 57
issue 5,
pp. 785-800
Mpungu, Kassimu; A. Apalara, Tijani; Muminov, Mukhiddin:
On the stabilization of laminated beams with delay.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 66
issue 5,
pp. 789-812
Dong, Yali; Wang, Huimin; Deng, Mengxiao:
Robust observer-based finite-time $H_{\infty }$ control designs for discrete nonlinear systems with time-varying delay.
vol. 57
issue 1,
pp. 102-117
Oumoun, Mohamed; Maniar, Lahcen; Atlas, Abdelghafour:
Continuous feedback stabilization for a class of affine stochastic nonlinear systems.
vol. 56
issue 3,
pp. 500-515
Wang, Zhiwen; Xu, Xiangnan; Sun, Hongtao; Li, Long:
Dual-terminal event triggered control for cyber-physical systems under false data injection attacks.
vol. 56
issue 2,
pp. 323-339
Gümüşboğa, İlkay; İftar, Altuğ:
Fault-tolerant pitch-rate control augmentation system design for asymmetric elevator failures in a combat plane.
vol. 56
issue 4,
pp. 767-793
Yang, Yang; Meng, Qing; Yue, Dong; Zhang, Tengfei; Zhao, Bo; Hou, Xiaolei:
Observer-based adaptive secure control with nonlinear gain recursive sliding-mode for networked non-affine nonlinear systems under DoS attacks.
vol. 56
issue 2,
pp. 298-322
Li, Lingchun; Zhang, Guangming; Ou, Meiying; Wang, Yujie:
$H_\infty $ sliding mode control for Markov jump systems with interval time-varying delays and general transition probabilities.
vol. 55
issue 1,
pp. 134-151
Nadhem, Echi; Benabdallah, Amel:
Observer based control for strong practical stabilization of a class of uncertain time delay systems.
vol. 55
issue 6,
pp. 1016-1033
Qayyum, Atif; Pironti, Alfredo:
On finite time stability with guaranteed cost control of uncertain linear systems.
vol. 54
issue 5,
pp. 1071-1090
Zhang, Zhipeng; Chen, Zengqiang; Han, Xiaoguang; Liu, Zhongxin:
On the static output feedback stabilization of deterministic finite automata based upon the approach of semi-tensor product of matrices.
vol. 54
issue 1,
pp. 41-60
Pukdeboon, Chutiphon:
Robust optimal PID controller design for attitude stabilization of flexible spacecraft.
vol. 54
issue 5,
pp. 1049-1070
Florchinger, Patrick:
Stabilization of nonlinear stochastic systems without unforced dynamics via time-varying feedback.
vol. 54
issue 2,
pp. 321-335
Abbasi, Waseem; ur Rehman, Fazal; Shah, Ibrahim:
Backstepping based nonlinear adaptive control for the extended nonholonomic double integrator.
vol. 53
issue 4,
pp. 578-594
Pukdeboon, Chutiphon; Jitpattanakul, Anuchit:
Disturbance observer-based second order sliding mode attitude tracking control for flexible spacecraft.
vol. 53
issue 4,
pp. 653-678
Benabdallah, Abdallah; Hdidi, Walid:
Improving the performance of semiglobal output controllers for nonlinear systems.
vol. 53
issue 2,
pp. 296-330
Kallel, Wajdi; Kharrat, Thouraya:
Stabilization of nonlinear systems with varying parameter by a control Lyapunov function.
vol. 53
issue 5,
pp. 853-867
Sano, Hideki:
On approximation of stability radius for an infinite-dimensional feedback control system.
vol. 52
issue 5,
pp. 824-835
Jerbi, Hamadi; Kharrat, Thouraya; Sioud, Khaled:
Stabilization of homogeneous polynomial systems in the plane.
vol. 52
issue 1,
pp. 131-152
Florchinger, Patrick:
Stabilization of nonlinear stochastic systems without unforced dynamics via time-varying feedback.
vol. 52
issue 6,
pp. 988-1002
Ou, Meiying; Gu, Shengwei; Wang, Xianbing; Dong, Kexiu:
Finite-time tracking control of multiple nonholonomic mobile robots with external disturbances.
vol. 51
issue 6,
pp. 1049-1067
Benabdallah, Amel:
A separation principle for the stabilization of a class of time delay nonlinear systems.
vol. 51
issue 1,
pp. 99-111
Yang, Kun-Yi; Zhang, Ling-Li; Zhang, Jie:
Stability analysis of a three-dimensional energy demand-supply system under delayed feedback control.
vol. 51
issue 6,
pp. 1084-1100
Suzuki, Masayasu; Sakamoto, Noboru:
A study on global stabilization of periodic orbits in discrete-time chaotic systems by using symbolic dynamics.
vol. 51
issue 1,
pp. 4-19
Lan, Jianglin; Sun, Weijie; Peng, Yunjian:
Constrained robust adaptive stabilization for a class of lower triangular systems with unknown control direction.
vol. 50
issue 3,
pp. 450-469
Du, Haibo; He, Yigang; Cheng, Yingying:
Finite-time cooperative tracking control for a class of second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems.
vol. 49
issue 4,
pp. 507-523
Lin, Xiangze; Du, Haibo; Li, Shihua:
Parameter influence on passive dynamic walking of a robot with flat feet.
vol. 49
issue 5,
pp. 792-808
Wang, Jiankui; Qiu, Zhihui; Zhang, Guoshan:
Finite-time consensus problem for multiple non-holonomic mobile agents.
vol. 48
issue 6,
pp. 1180-1193
Stefanovski, Jovan:
Transformation of optimal control problems of descriptor systems into problems with state-space systems.
vol. 48
issue 6,
pp. 1156-1179
Diaz-Vargas, Javier; Tuyub-Puc, Dennis; Villanueva-Novelo, Celia:
Construction of a controller with a generalized linear immersion.
vol. 47
issue 5,
pp. 790-811
Zhang, Lan; Zhang, Chengjian; Zhao, Dongming:
Control of a class of chaotic systems by a stochastic delay method.
vol. 46
issue 1,
pp. 38-49
Du, Haibo; Lin, Xiangze; Li, Shihua:
Finite-time boundedness and stabilization of switched linear systems.
vol. 46
issue 5,
pp. 870-889
Wang, Jiankui; Zhang, Guoshan; Li, Hongyi:
Adaptive control of uncertain nonholonomic systems in finite time.
vol. 45
issue 5,
pp. 809-824
Zhong, Wei-Song; Stefanovski, Jovan D.; Dimirovski, Georgi M.; Zhao, Jun:
Decentralized control and synchronization of time-varying complex dynamical network.
vol. 45
issue 1,
pp. 151-167
Ding, Zhengtao:
Decentralized output regulation of large scale nonlinear systems with delay.
vol. 45
issue 1,
pp. 33-48
Zhang, Zhenning; Sun, Huafei; Zhong, Fengwei:
Geometric structures of stable output feedback systems.
vol. 45
issue 3,
pp. 387-404
Kozáková, Alena; Veselý, Vojtech; Osuský, Jakub:
A new Nyquist-based technique for tuning robust decentralized controllers.
vol. 45
issue 1,
pp. 63-83
Bakule, Lubomír; Sen, Manuel de la:
Non-fragile controllers for a class of time-delay nonlinear systems.
vol. 45
issue 1,
pp. 15-32
Wang, Xiaoli; Hong, Yiguang:
Parametrization and geometric analysis of coordination controllers for multi-agent systems.
vol. 45
issue 5,
pp. 785-800
Travieso-Torres, Juan C.; Duarte-Mermoud, Manuel A.; Zagalak, Petr:
Passivity based stabilization of non-minimum phase nonlinear systems.
vol. 45
issue 3,
pp. 417-426
Zhai, Guisheng; Chen, Ning; Gui, Weihua:
A study on decentralized $H_\infty$ feedback control systems with local quantizers.
vol. 45
issue 1,
pp. 137-150
Zikmund, Jiří:
Composite control of the $n$-link chained mechanical systems.
vol. 44
issue 5,
pp. 664-684
Zítek, Pavel; Kučera, Vladimír; Vyhlídal, Tomáš:
Meromorphic observer-based pole assignment in time delay systems.
vol. 44
issue 5,
pp. 633-648
De Vito, Daniele; Scattolini, Riccardo:
On the solution of the constrained multiobjective control problem with the receding horizon approach.
vol. 44
issue 5,
pp. 649-663
Kučera, Vladimír:
Sixty years of cybernetics: a comparison of approaches to solving the $\text{H}_2$ control problem.
vol. 44
issue 3,
pp. 328-335
Ammari, Kaïs; Jellouli, Mohamed:
Remark on stabilization of tree-shaped networks of strings.
Applications of Mathematics,
vol. 52
issue 4,
pp. 327-343
Bernal, Miguel; Hušek, Petr; Kučera, Vladimír:
Nonquadratic stabilization of continuous-time systems in the Takagi-Sugeno form.
vol. 42
issue 6,
pp. 665-672
Veselý, Vojtech:
Robust controller design for linear polytopic systems.
vol. 42
issue 1,
pp. 95-110
Ray, Goshaidas; Dey, Sitansu; Bhattacharyya, T. K.:
Design of reaching phase for variable structure controller based on Householder transformation.
vol. 41
issue 5,
pp. [601]-622
Abdelaziz, Taha H. S.; Valášek, Michael:
Direct algorithm for pole placement by state-derivative feedback for multi-inputlinear systems - nonsingular case.
vol. 41
issue 5,
pp. [637]-660
Abdelaziz, Taha H. S.; Valášek, Michael:
Eigenstructure assignment by proportional-plus-derivative feedback for second-order linear control systems.
vol. 41
issue 5,
pp. [661]-676
Marro, Giovanni; Ntogramatzidis, Lorenzo:
A feedforward compensation scheme for perfect decoupling of measurable input functions.
vol. 41
issue 1,
pp. [75]-84
Hubinský, Peter; Jurišica, Ladislav; Vranka, Branislav:
Genetic algorithm based method of elimination of residual oscillation in mechatronic systems.
vol. 41
issue 5,
pp. [623]-636
Jerbi, Hamadi; Kharrat, Thouraya:
Only a level set of a control Lyapunov function for homogeneous systems.
vol. 41
issue 5,
pp. [593]-600
Veselý, Vojtech:
Design of robust output affine quadratic controller.
vol. 40
issue 2,
pp. [221]-232
Čelikovský, Sergej:
Observer form of the hyperbolic type generalized Lorenz system and its use for chaos synchronization.
vol. 40
issue 6,
pp. [649]-664
Rosinová, Danica; Veselý, Vojtech; Kučera, Vladimír:
A necessary and sufficient condition for static output feedback stabilizability of linear discrete-time systems.
vol. 39
issue 4,
pp. [447]-459
Baksi, Dibyendu; Datta, Kanti B.; Ray, Goshaidas:
Necessary and sufficient conditions for stabilization of expanding systems servomechanism problems.
vol. 39
issue 4,
pp. [461]-481
Cottenceau, B.; Lhommeau, M.; Hardouin, L.; Boimond, J.-L.:
On timed event graph stabilization by output feedback in dioid.
vol. 39
issue 2,
pp. [165]-176
Mondié, Sabine; Dambrine, Michel; Santos, Omar:
Approximation of control laws with distributed delays: a necessary condition for stability.
vol. 38
issue 5,
pp. [541]-551
Pothin, Richard; Moog, Claude H.; Xia, Xiaohua:
Disturbance decoupling of nonlinear MISO systems by static measurement feedback.
vol. 38
issue 5,
pp. [601]-608
Baksi, Dibyendu; Datta, Kanti B.; Ray, Goshaidas:
Existence of pole-zero structures in a rational matrix equation arising in a decentralized stabilization of expanding systems.
vol. 38
issue 2,
pp. [209]-216
Ruiz-León, Javier; Muñoz, Jorge A. Torres; Lizaola, Francisco:
Nonregular decoupling with stability of two-output systems.
vol. 38
issue 5,
pp. [553]-569
Jerbi, Hamadi:
On the stabilizability of some classes of bilinear systems in $\Bbb R^3$.
vol. 38
issue 4,
pp. [457]-468
Kraffer, Ferdinand; Zagalak, Petr:
Parametrization and reliable extraction of proper compensators.
vol. 38
issue 5,
pp. [521]-540
Ramos-Velasco, Luis E.; Ruiz-León, José J.; Čelikovský, Sergej:
Rotary inverted pendulum: trajectory tracking via nonlinear control techniques.
vol. 38
issue 2,
pp. [217]-232
Hammami, Mohamed Ali; Jerbi, Hamadi:
Separation principle for nonlinear systems using a bilinear approximation.
vol. 37
issue 5,
pp. [565]-573
Bonnet, Catherine; Partington, Jonathan R.:
Stabilization of fractional exponential systems including delays.
vol. 37
issue 3,
pp. [345]-353
Veselý, Vojtech:
Static output feedback controller design.
vol. 37
issue 2,
pp. [205]-221
Villanueva-Novelo, Celia; Čelikovský, Sergej; Castillo-Toledo, Bernardino:
Structurally stable design of output regulation for a class of nonlinear systems.
vol. 37
issue 5,
pp. [547]-564
Márquez-Martínez, Luis Alejandro; Moog, Claude H.:
Trajectory tracking control for nonlinear time-delay systems.
vol. 37
issue 4,
pp. [370]-380
Germani, Alfredo; Manes, Costanzo; Pepe, Pierdomenico:
Local asymptotic stability for nonlinear state feedback delay systems.
vol. 36
issue 1,
pp. [31]-42
Niculescu, S. I.; Ionescu, V.; Ivănescu, D.; Dugard, L.; Dion, J.-M.:
On generalized Popov theory for delay systems.
vol. 36
issue 1,
pp. [2]-20
Mošna, Jiří; Pešek, Pavel:
Optimal multivariable PID regulator.
vol. 36
issue 2,
pp. [243]-253
Amato, Francesco:
Stability analysis and synthesis of systems subject to norm bounded, bounded rate uncertainties.
vol. 36
issue 1,
pp. [21]-29
Marro, Giovanni; Barbagli, Federico:
The algebraic output feedback in the light of dual-lattice structures.
vol. 35
issue 6,
pp. [693]-706
Longhi, Sauro; Orlando, Giuseppe:
Balanced reduction of linear periodic systems.
vol. 35
issue 6,
pp. [737]-751
Blanchini, F.; Cotterli, S.; Koruza, G.; Miani, S.; Siagri, R.; Tubaro, L.:
Constrained stabilization of a dynamic systems: a case study.
vol. 35
issue 1,
pp. [93]-104
Baksi, D.; Patel, V. V.; Datta, K. B.; Ray, G. D.:
Decentralized stabilization and strong stabilization of a bicoprime factorized plant.
vol. 35
issue 2,
pp. [235]-253
Menini, Laura; Tornambè, Antonio; Zaccarian, Luca:
Global asymptotic stabilisation of an active mass damper for a flexible beam.
vol. 35
issue 5,
pp. [599]-612
van Laak, Oliver; Möllers, Thomas; Wenz, Hans-Jörg:
Multi regional state space systems -- controller design and stability.
Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis,
vol. 7
issue 1,
pp. 47-60
Ackermann, Jürgen; Bünte, Tilman:
Robust prevention of limit cycles for robustly decoupled car steering dynamics.
vol. 35
issue 1,
pp. [105]-116
d'Alessandro, Paolo; de Santis, Elena:
Scope and generalization of the theory of linearly constrained linear regulator.
vol. 35
issue 6,
pp. [707]-720
Hrissagis, Kostas; Kosmidou, Olga I.:
Delay-dependent robust stability conditions and decay estimates for systems with input delays.
vol. 34
issue 6,
pp. [681]-691
Outbib, Rachid; Sallet, Gauthier:
A reduction principle for global stabilization of nonlinear systems.
vol. 34
issue 5,
pp. [595]-607
AL-Sunni, Fouad M.; Lewis, Frank L.:
Simultaneous output-feedback stabilization for continuous systems in Banach spaces.
vol. 34
issue 2,
pp. [199]-202
Nikitin, S.:
Decoupling normalizing transformations and local stabilization of nonlinear systems.
Mathematica Bohemica,
vol. 121
issue 3,
pp. 225-248
Čelikovský, Sergej:
Numerical algorithm for nonsmooth stabilization of triangular form systems.
vol. 32
issue 3,
pp. 261-274
Fahroo, Fariba; Ito, Kazufumi:
Optimum damping design for an abstract wave equation.
vol. 32
issue 6,
pp. 557-574
von Wissel, D.; Nikoukhah, R.; Delebecque, F.; Campbell, S. L.:
Numerically generated path stabilizing controllers: Use of preliminary feedback.
vol. 31
issue 6,
pp. 657-668
Werner, Herbert; Furuta, Katsuhisa:
Simultaneous stabilization based on output measurement.
vol. 31
issue 4,
pp. 395-411
Čelikovský, Sergej:
Topological equivalence and topological linearization of controlled dynamical systems.
vol. 31
issue 2,
pp. 141-150
Čelikovský, Sergej; Vaněček, Antonín:
Bilinear systems and chaos.
vol. 30
issue 4,
pp. 403-424
Ohara, Atsumi; Amari, Shun-ichi:
Differential geometric structures of stable state feedback systems with dual connections.
vol. 30
issue 4,
pp. 369-386
Iggidr, Abderrahman; Sallet, Gauthier:
Nonlinear stabilization by adding integrators.
vol. 30
issue 5,
pp. 499-506
Genesio, Roberto; Tesi, Alberto:
Control techniques for chaotic dynamical systems.
vol. 29
issue 5,
pp. 469-478
Veselý, Vojtech:
Large scale dynamic system stabilization using the principle of dominant subsystems approach.
vol. 29
issue 1,
pp. 48-61
Bradley, Mary E.; Lasiecka, Irena:
A robustness result for a von Kármán plate.
vol. 29
issue 3,
pp. 291-304
Karcanias, Nicos; Milonidis, E.:
Finite settling time stabilisation of a family of discrete-time systems.
vol. 27
issue 4,
pp. 371-383
Ionescu, Vlad; Răsvan, Vladimir:
The nonlinear regulator problem for constant signals.
vol. 27
issue 1,
pp. 12-22
D'Andréa-Novel, Brigitte; Praly, L.:
Playing with the regulation zeros in the stabilization of a double inverted pendulum.
vol. 27
issue 3,
pp. 213-224
Şefik, Ayla; Sezer, Mesut Erol:
A structural analysis of the pole shifting problem.
vol. 27
issue 4,
pp. 333-344
Veselý, Vojtech:
Decentralized control of linear dynamical systems with partial aggregation.
vol. 25
issue 5,
pp. 408-418
Christodoulou, Manolis A.:
Pole placement for generalized MFD's.
vol. 24
issue 2,
pp. 98-109
Šebek, Michael:
Characteristic polynomial assignment for delay-differential systems via 2-D polynomial equations.
vol. 23
issue 5,
pp. 345-359
Ray, Goshaidas:
On the decentralized stabilization of interconnected discrete time systems.
vol. 23
issue 6,
pp. 489-497
Lunze, Jan:
A procedure for designing stabilizing output feedback controllers.
vol. 20
issue 6,
pp. 483-495
Soukup, Václav:
Additional signals in linear discrete-time control systems. III. Additional disturbance feedforward.
vol. 19
issue 5,
pp. 422-438
Soukup, Václav; Havlíček, Karel; Lukeš, Martin:
Additionals signals in linear discrete-time control systems. II. Additional feedback signal.
vol. 19
issue 2,
pp. 131-157
Tchoń, Krzysztof:
On generic properties of linear systems: An overview.
vol. 19
issue 6,
pp. 467-474
Komorník, Jozef:
Optimal control of stabilizable time-varying linear systems with time delay.
vol. 16
issue 2,
pp. (183)-197
Kučera, Vladimír:
Polynomial design of deadbeat control laws.
vol. 16
issue 2,
pp. (198)-203
Pedrycz, Witold:
Stabilization of bilinear systems by a linear feedback control.
vol. 16
issue 1,
pp. (48)-53
Kučera, Vladimír:
Constrained least squares control.
vol. 13
issue 2,
pp. (106)-115
Vostrý, Zdeněk:
Discrete twice optimal control systems.
vol. 11
issue 2,
pp. (148)-163
Kučera, Vladimír:
Closed-loop stability of discrete linear single-variable systems.
vol. 10
issue 2,
pp. (146)-171
Doležal, Václav:
O nelineárních zpětnovazebních systémech.
(Czech) [On nonlinear feedback systems].
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 14
issue 6,
pp. 497-515
Doležal, Václav:
A remark on energetic stability of feedback systems.
Aplikace matematiky,
vol. 14
issue 5,
pp. 345-354